nep-tur New Economics Papers
on Tourism Economics
Issue of 2024‒07‒08
one paper chosen by
Laura Vici, Università di Bologna

  1. Short-Term Rental Platforms Contrasted Effects on Neighborhoods: The Case of French Riviera Urban Destinations By Sophie Pommet; Sylvie Rochhia; Dominique Torre

  1. By: Sophie Pommet (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, GREDEG, France); Sylvie Rochhia (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, GREDEG, France); Dominique Torre (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, GREDEG, France)
    Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the conditions in which the expansion of short-term rental platforms affects rents with a focus on the main destinations of French Riviera. Following a literature review, a simplified model capturing the characteristics of the French Riviera destinations predicts in the short run a positive effect on rents when there is a high pressure from short-term rentals. We validate these predictions using data from AirDNA which pertains to short-term rentals offered on the Airbnb platform, along with data on long-term rentals in the cities of Nice and Cannes.
    Keywords: Digital Platforms, Short-Term Rental, Tourism industry, Airbnb, residents, Over tourism
    JEL: L83 R31 Z31 L85 L86
    Date: 2024–05

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.