nep-spo New Economics Papers
on Sports and Economics
Issue of 2024‒05‒13
six papers chosen by
Humberto Barreto, DePauw University

  1. Financial regulation in sport championships as an anticompetitive institution By Budzinski, Oliver
  2. Quantifying fair income distribution in Thailand By Thitithep Sitthiyot; Kanyarat Holasut
  3. Birth timing and the intergenerational transmission of human capital By Palacios-Huerta, Ignacio
  4. Le « crunch », bien plus qu’un match de rugby By Laurent Gautier; Florian Koch; Matthieu Llorca
  5. The effect of event quality on participants’ intention to revisit a sport event: Monetary valuation and mitigation of hypothetical bias By John C. Whitehead; Pamela Wicker
  6. The foundations of the contributions and limits of coaching in leadership development By Soumia El Byere; Mohamed Amine M'Barki

  1. By: Budzinski, Oliver
    Abstract: Financial regulation in sports is usually discussed in the context of representing an instrument against 'financial doping'. Notwithstanding the merits of this discussion, this paper takes the opposite perspective and analyses how market-internal financial regulation itself may anticompetitively influence sporting results. Virtually every regulative financial intervention distorts sporting competition to some extent and creates beneficiaries and losers. Sometimes, the actual winners and losers of financial regulation stand in line with the (legitimate) goals of the regulation like limiting financial imbalances or preventing distortive midseason insolvencies of teams. However, financial regulation may also display unintended side-effects like protecting hitherto successful teams from new challengers, cementing the competitive order, creating foreclosure and entry barriers, or serving vested interests of powerful parties. All of these effects may also be hidden agendas by those who are implementing and enforcing market-internal financial regulation or influencing it. This paper analyses various types of budget caps (including salary caps) with respect to potentially anticompetitive effects. UEFA's so-called Financial Fair Play Regulations and Formula One's recent budget cap are highlighted as examples. Furthermore, the paper discusses allocation schemes of common revenues (like from the collective sale of broadcasting rights) as another area of financial regulation with potentially anticompetitive effects. Eventually, the effects of standards for accounting, financial management, and auditing are discussed.
    Keywords: sports economics, financial regulation, budget caps, salary caps, financial fair play, financial doping, collective sale of media rights, sports broadcasting rights, revenue sharing, formula one
    JEL: Z20 Z23 L40 L83 K21
    Date: 2024
  2. By: Thitithep Sitthiyot; Kanyarat Holasut
    Abstract: Given a vast concern about high income inequality in Thailand as opposed to empirical findings around the world showing people's preference for fair income inequality over unfair income equality, it is therefore important to examine whether inequality in income distribution in Thailand over the past three decades is fair, and what fair inequality in income distribution in Thailand should be. To quantitatively measure fair income distribution, this study employs the fairness benchmarks that are derived from the distributions of athletes' salaries in professional sports which satisfy the concepts of distributive justice and procedural justice, the no-envy principle of fair allocation, and the general consensus or the international norm criterion of a meaningful benchmark. By using the data on quintile income shares and the income Gini index of Thailand from the National Social and Economic Development Council, this study finds that, throughout the period from 1988 to 2021, the Thai income earners in the bottom 20%, the second 20%, and the top 20% receive income shares more than the fair shares whereas those in the third 20% and the fourth 20% receive income shares less than the fair shares. Provided that there are infinite combinations of quintile income shares that can have the same value of income Gini index but only one of them is regarded as fair, this study demonstrates the use of fairness benchmarks as a practical guideline for designing policies with an aim to achieve fair income distribution in Thailand. Moreover, a comparative analysis is conducted by employing the method for estimating optimal (fair) income distribution representing feasible income equality in order to provide an alternative recommendation on what optimal (fair) income distribution characterizing feasible income equality in Thailand should be.
    Date: 2024–04
  3. By: Palacios-Huerta, Ignacio
    Abstract: Arbitrary age-cutoff dates used for eligibility in schooling and organized sports create differential opportunities for children that can have long-term consequences. These opportunities, in turn, provide incentives for birth-date targeting. I study a setting in which being born just after the cutoff date is highly advantageous relative to being born late in the eligibility year. Using an exogenous change in the cutoff date, I obtain causal evidence showing how birth timing at conception re-sponds to memory-based salient incentives: certain parents target birth dates to ensure that their children are among the oldest in the eligibility year.
    Keywords: European Regional Development Fund
    JEL: J1
    Date: 2024–03–01
  4. By: Laurent Gautier (TIL - Centre Interlangues : texte, image, langage [Dijon] - UB - Université de Bourgogne - UBFC - Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté [COMUE]); Florian Koch (TIL - Centre Interlangues : texte, image, langage [Dijon] - UB - Université de Bourgogne - UBFC - Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté [COMUE]); Matthieu Llorca (LEDi - Laboratoire d'Economie de Dijon - UB - Université de Bourgogne - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
    Keywords: Sport, Rugby
    Date: 2024–03–15
  5. By: John C. Whitehead; Pamela Wicker
    Abstract: This study examines the contribution of one event quality attribute to participants’ intention to revisit, assigns a monetary value to this attribute, and estimates the magnitude of hypothetical bias in revisit intention and monetary values. The event is the Blue Ridge Brutal amateur bike ride in North Carolina, USA. Participants received a post-event survey with different hypothetical scenarios after the 2021 and 2022 ride, including riding on the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway or not. Monetary values were obtained by converting willingness-to-travel into willingness-to-pay based on travel cost. The regression results show that including the Blue Ridge Parkway significantly increases intention to revisit. Respondents overstated their intention to revisit by 14% (2021) and 38% (2022). Willingness-to-pay for the parkway was $96 (2021) and $147 (2022) in the stated preference setting. Although the magnitude in hypothetical bias is significant, it can be mitigated by combining revealed and stated preference data. Key Words: Contingent behavior method; Cycling; Stated preferences; Willingness-to-pay; Willingness-to-travel
    Date: 2024
  6. By: Soumia El Byere (Ecole nationale de commerce et de gestion de Tanger); Mohamed Amine M'Barki (Ecole nationale de commerce et de gestion de Tanger)
    Abstract: Leadership is one of the issues frequently highlighted in several scientific studies due to its importance in the business world. While management coaching has historical roots in professional development, its growth has particularly increased in recent decades. Since leadership development and coaching are linked in one way or another, few studies have addressed this relationship, this is what we are interested in presenting, and this is the objective of our article. So now is the time to highlight the importance of coaching for leadership development. We therefore engaged in the strategy of bringing the two concepts together by presenting the contributions and limits of these terms based on agreed definitions and a literature review inspired by previous studies. We have also collected the most important studies and theories that have allowed us to analyze the relationship between successful leadership and coaching, and the role of the latter in leadership development. The theoretical framework presented was chosen as the basis of the conceptual model of our research. By seeking to understand the contributions of coaching in the development of leadership as a research problem. The results show that coaching, obviously, contributes to leadership development. However, our analyzes of syntheses of previous studies also revealed that some leadership theories can be applied to the field of coaching. The success of coaching does not only depend on coaching work, we can increase our chances of obtaining maximum success by relying on rigorous criteria.
    Abstract: Le leadership est l'une des questions fréquemment soulignées dans plusieurs études scientifiques en raison de son importance dans le monde de l'entreprise. Tandis que le coaching en management a des racines historiques dans le développement professionnel, son essor s'est particulièrement accentué au cours des dernières décennies. Étant donné que le développement du leadership et le coaching sont liés d'une manière ou d'une autre, peu d'études ont traité cette relation, c'est ce qui nous intéresse de le présenter, et c'est l'objectif de notre article. Alors qu'il est désormais temps de souligner l'importance du coaching pour le développement du leadership. Nous nous sommes donc engagés dans la stratégie de rapprocher les deux concepts en présentant les apports et les limites de ces termes en se basant sur les définitions convenues et une revue de littérature inspirées des études antérieures. Nous avons également rassemblé les études et théories les plus importantes qui nous ont permis d'analyser la relation entre le leadership réussi et le coaching, et le rôle de ce dernier dans le développement du leadership. Le cadre théorique présenté a été choisi comme fondement du modèle conceptuel de notre recherche. En cherchant à comprendre les apports du coaching dans le développement du leadership comme problématique. Les résultats montrent que le coaching, évidemment, contribue au développement du leadership. Cependant, nos analyses des synthèses d'études antérieures ont également révélé que certaines théories sur le leadership peuvent être appliquées au domaine du coaching. La réussite du coaching ne dépend pas seulement à un travail de coach, nous pouvons augmenter nos chances d'obtenir le maximum de succès en nous appuyant sur des critères rigoureux.
    Keywords: Coaching, Leadership, Leadership Development, Développement du leadership
    Date: 2024

This nep-spo issue is ©2024 by Humberto Barreto. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.