nep-sea New Economics Papers
on South East Asia
Issue of 2022‒03‒21
fifty-six papers chosen by
Kavita Iyengar
Asian Development Bank

  2. Analisis Penerapan Akad Syirkah dalam Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah By Fitri, Nadia Rahma; Kurniawan, Rachmad Risqy
  3. Manajemen Pemberdayaan zakat dan pemanfaatannya di Indonesia By Winarni, Enny
  4. Muzakki dan Mustahiq By Zaifuddin, Muhammad
  5. Pemanfaatan Lingkungan dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia By Fitria, Ardina
  8. Resume buku ''Agama dan Bayang - Bayang Etis Syaikh Yusuf Al – Makassari'' Bab 3 By Ramadan, Rafli
  9. BAZNAS dan LAZNAS Serta Fungsinya Menurut UU No.23 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pengelolaan Zakat By Sari, Suci Indah
  10. Peran Pemerintah dan Masyarakat dalam Mewujudkan Cita-cita Bangsa di Era Pandemi By Widhiastuti, Tiara Puspitasari
  12. Vietnam – A general study of the triangulation toward change social movements, economic development, and political changeover By Alessandro, Fornaroli
  13. Using e-wallet for business process development: challenges and prospects in Malaysia By Md. Mahmudul Alam; Ala Eldin Awawdeh; Azim Izzuddin Bin Muhamad
  14. Impacts of International Sports Events on the Stock Market: Evidence from the Announcement of the 18th Asian Games and 30th Southeast Asian Games By Dwipraptono Harjito; Md. Mahmudul Alam; Rani Dewi
  15. Access to Fintech and Poverty : Evidence from the Arrival of 4G Networks in Indonesia By Fatkhurrohman
  17. URGENSI PERAN ZAKAT PADA MASA COVID 19 By hasanuddin, nurhalisa
  18. Using E-Wallet for Business Process Development: Challenges and Prospects in Malaysia By Alam, Md. Mahmudul; Awawdeh, Ala Eldin; Bin Muhamad, Azim Izzuddin
  19. URGENSI PERAN ZAKAT PADA MASA COVID-19 By hasanuddin, nurhalisa
  20. Assessment of Credit Card Features in Malaysia: Risk of Achieving Women's Financial Empowerment By Md. Mahmudul Alam; Russayani Ismail; Jamaliah Said; Reza Pahlevi
  21. Managing Digital Transformation By Nuswantara, Aldien Senapati
  22. Investigating factors that influence Malaysian auditors’ ethical sensitivity By Razana Johari; Md. Mahmudul Alam; Jamaliah Said
  23. Qowaidh Al-amr alaa saii’ nahii an diddhi dalam Bertransaksi dengan Bank Konvensional dan Efeknya terhadap Pertumbuhan Perbankan Syariah By Ula, Fiskiatul; Kurniawan, Rachmad Risqy
  24. The Long-Term Effects of War on Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development: Evidence from Vietnam By Nguyen, Cuong Viet; Tran, Tuyen Quang; Vuc, Huong Van
  25. Model Bisnis Digital By Hikmah, Nisa Nurul
  26. Laporan SKB Queen Tela-Tela By S, Tenri Qalby
  27. Pemberdayaan zakat dan pemanfaatannya di Indonesia By Winarni, Enny
  28. Laporan Studi Kelayakan Bisnis "Queen Tela-Tela" By ; Azizah, Fithri; , Rahmi; S, Tenri Qalby
  29. Estimation of Losses and Damages Caused by Flash Floods in the Commercial Area of Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia By Bari, Azizul; Alam, Lubna; Alam, Md. Mahmudul; Rahman, Labonnah Farzana; Pereira, Joy Jacqueline
  30. Resource Evaluation of Indonesia Non-Bank Financial Institutions By Ghifarisadewa, Muhammad Raynara
  31. Konsep Bisnis Islam Dan Tantangan Kapitalisme Global (Peluang dan Tantangan Pebisnis) By Ramadan, Rafli
  32. Makalah Analisis Aspek Studi Kelayakan Bisnis Untuk Wirausaha By , Asniar
  33. Mengelola Sumber Daya Manusia By , Asniar
  34. Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Komik Digital pada Siswa Tingkat SMA/MA By Oktavia, Ririn
  35. Robert Triffin, Japan and the quest for Asian Monetary Union By Ivo Maes; Ilaria Pasotti
  36. Factors Determining Z-score and Corporate Failure in Malaysian Companies By Azhar, Nurul Izzaty Hasanah; Lokman, Norziana; Alam, Md. Mahmudul; Said, Jamaliah
  37. Pinjaman Modal Dalam Kegiatan Usaha By Halim, Ismail
  38. Makalah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia By , Rahmadana
  39. Empirical Assessment on Factors Contributing to Integrity Practices of Malaysian Public Sector Officers By Johari, Razana Juhaida; Alam, Md. Mahmudul; Said, Jamaliah
  40. Empirical assessment on factors contributing to integrity practices of Malaysian public sector officers By Razana Johari; Md. Mahmudul Alam; Jamaliah Said
  41. No Evidence that Siblings’ Gender Affects Personality Across Nine Countries By Thomas Dudek; Anne Ardila Brenoe; Jan Feld; Julia M. Rohrer
  42. Magnitudes of Households’ Carbon Footprint in Iskandar Malaysia: A Policy Implications for Sustainable Development By Zen, Irina Safitri; Al-Amin, Abul Quasem; Alam, Md. Mahmudul; Doberstein, Brent
  43. Investigation into the rationale of migration intention due to air pollution integrating the Homo Oeconomicus traits By Vuong, Quan-Hoang; Le, Tam-Tri; Quang-Loc, Nguyen; Nguyen, Minh-Hoang
  44. Tail-risk Comprehension and Protection in Real-time Electricity Pricing : Experimental Evidence By Pretto, Madeline
  45. Organizational Performance and Capabilities to Analyze Big Data: Do the Ambidexterity and Business Value of Big Data Analytics Matter? By Aljumah, Ahmad Ibrahim; Nuseir, Mohammed T.; Alam, Md. Mahmudul
  46. Traditional Marketing Analytics, Big Data Analytics, Big Data System Quality and the Success of New Product Development By Aljumah, Ahmad Ibrahim; Nuseir, Mohammed T.; Alam, Md. Mahmudul
  47. Global Economic Crisis, Energy Use, CO2 Emissions and Policy Roadmap amid COVID-19 By Aktar, Asikha; Alam, Md. Mahmudul; Al-Amin, Abul Quasem
  48. Unemployment Insurance as a Subsidy to Risky Firms By Bernardus Van Doornik; Dimas Fazio; David Schoenherr; Janis Skrastins
  49. Designing locally-appropriate conservation incentives for small-scale fishers By Booth, Hollie; Ramdlan, M Said; Hafizh, Ayesha; Wongsopatty, Karto; Mourato, Susana; Pienkowski, Thomas; Adrianto, Luky; Milner-Gulland, E.J.
  50. Brain drain out of the blue: pollution-induced migration in a developing country By Khuc, Quy Van; Nguyen, Minh-Hoang; Le, Tam-Tri; Nguyen, Truc-Le; Nguyen, Thuy; Vuong, Quan-Hoang
  51. Searching for Approval By Sumit Agarwal; John R. Grigsby; Ali Hortaçsu; Gregor Matvos; Amit Seru
  52. A socio-psychological approach for understanding and managing bycatch in small-scale fisheries By Booth, Hollie; Ichsan, Muhammad; Hermansyah, Rizky Fajar; Rohmah, Lailia Nur; Naira, Kusuma Banda; Adrianto, Luky; Milner-Gulland, E.J.
  53. A Panel Clustering Approach to Analyzing Bubble Behavior By Liu, Yanbo; Phillips, Peter C. B.; Yu, Jun
  54. Natural Resource Management and Nutrition Outcomes : A Quasi-experimental Evaluation of Fisheries Decentralisation in Laos By Chipperfield, Benjamin
  55. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia By , Adelia
  56. Present Bias Predicts Low Adoption of Profitable Technologies : The Case of Livestock Vaccination in Northern Laos By Creed, Christian

  1. By: ; Kurniawan, Rachmad Risqy
    Abstract: Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara wasiat dan pewarisan
    Date: 2021–12–05
  2. By: Fitri, Nadia Rahma; Kurniawan, Rachmad Risqy
    Abstract: Penerapan akad syirkah memiliki implikasi yang baik terhadap pertumbuhan UMKM di Indonesia dan menjadi salah satu solusi bagi masyarakat sekitar dalam menciptakan lapangan kerja sehingga mampu meningkatkan pendapatan pekerja serta mengurangi angka pengangguran, sehingga kedepannya perekonomian bangsa akan menjadi lebih kuat lagi.
    Date: 2021–12–05
  3. By: Winarni, Enny
    Abstract: Catatan: zakat merupakan salah satu kewajiban yang harus dilakukan oleh setiap orang yang beragama Islam dengan tujuan dan manfaat untuk menyucikan diri, harta dan jiwa setiap orang yang mengeluarkan zakat berdasarkan aturan yang telah d tetapkan dalam syariat agama dan pemerintah
    Date: 2021–11–12
  4. By: Zaifuddin, Muhammad
    Abstract: Muzakki dan mustahiq merupakan bagian dari unsur-unsur pokok pelaksanaan zakat. Keduanya memiliki kedudukan yang sangat penting mengingat tanpa adanya salah satu dari keduanya, maka zakat tidak dapat terlaksana. Oleh karena itu, keduanya memiliki peran, kewajiban dan hak yang saling melengkapi untuk menyeimbangkan kehidupan beragama maupun kehidupan sosial. Pembahasan muzakki dan mustahiq dalam bidang keilmuwan terus mengalami perkembangan seiring dengan perkembangan dunia yang semakin kompleks dan tak jarang menimbulkan beberapa pertanyaan sehingga perlu adanya diskusi untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Keadaan tersebut juga berlaku di Indonesia di mana negara Indonesia merupakan negara dengan mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam.
    Date: 2021–12–01
  5. By: Fitria, Ardina
    Abstract: Esai mengenai pemanfaatan lingkungan dalam pembelajaran bahasa indonesia. Penulis telah membuat dan menyebarkan angket mengenai pemanfaatan lingkungan dalam pembelajaran bahasa indonesia. Ada 30 responden yang sudah berpartisipasi. Dengan rentangan tahun kelahiran 2002 sampai 1999. Para responden pelajar dan mahasiswa. Hasil angket banyak yang setuju bahwa pemanfaatan lingkungan dalam pembelajaran bahasa indonesia sangat diperlukan.
    Date: 2021–11–15
    Abstract: Istilah "demokrasi" berasal dari Yunani Kuno yang diutarakan di Athena kuno pada abad ke-5 SM. Negara tersebut biasanya dianggap sebagai contoh awal dari sebuah sistem yang berhubungan dengan hukum demokrasi modern. Namun, arti dari istilah ini telah berubah sejalan dengan waktu, dan definisi modern telah berevolusi sejak abad ke-18, bersamaan dengan perkembangan sistem "demokrasi" di banyak negara. Kata "demokrasi" berasal dari dua kata, yaitu demos yang berarti rakyat, dan kratos/cratein yang berarti pemerintahan, sehingga dapat diartikan sebagai pemerintahan rakyat, atau yang lebih kita kenal sebagai pemerintahan dari rakyat, oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat. Konsep demokrasi menjadi sebuah kata kunci tersendiri dalam bidang ilmu politik. Hal ini menjadi wajar, sebab demokrasi saat ini disebut-sebut sebagai indikator perkembangan politik suatu negara. Menurut Wikipedia Indonesia, demokrasi adalah bentuk atau mekanisme sistem pemerintahan suatu negara sebagai upaya mewujudkan kedaulatan rakyat (kekuasaan warga negara) atas negara untuk dijalankan oleh pemerintah negara tersebut. Demokrasi yang dianut di Indonesia, yaitu demokrasi berdasarkan Pancasila, masih dalam taraf perkembangan dan mengenai sifat-sifat dan ciri- cirinya terdapat berbagai tafsiran serta pandangan. Tetapi yang tidak dapat disangkal ialah bahwa beberapa nilai pokok dari demokrasi konstitusionil cukup jelas tersirat di dalam Undang Undang Dasar 1945. Selain dari itu Undang-Undang Dasar kita menyebut secara eksplisit 2 prinsip yang menjiwai naskah itu dan yang dicantumkan dalam penjelasan mengenai Sistem Pemerintahan Negara, yaitu: 1. Indonesia ialah negara yang berdasarkan atas hukum (Rechstaat). Negara Indonesia berdasarkan atas hukum (Rechstaat), tidak berdasarkan kekuasaan belaka (Machstaat). 2. Sistem Konstitusionil Pemerintahan berdasarkan atas Sistem Konstitusi (Hukum Dasar), tidak bersifat Absolutisme (kekuasaan yang tidak terbatas). Berdasarkan 2 istilah Rechstaat dan sistem konstitusi, maka jelaslah bahwa demokrasi yang menjadi dasar dari Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, ialah demokrasi konstitusionil. Di samping itu corak khas demokrasi Indonesia, yaitu kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilana, dimuat dalam Pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar.
    Date: 2021–11–15
    Abstract: Istilah "demokrasi" berasal dari Yunani Kuno yang diutarakan di Athena kuno pada abad ke-5 SM. Negara tersebut biasanya dianggap sebagai contoh awal dari sebuah sistem yang berhubungan dengan hukum demokrasi modern. Namun, arti dari istilah ini telah berubah sejalan dengan waktu, dan definisi modern telah berevolusi sejak abad ke-18, bersamaan dengan perkembangan sistem "demokrasi" di banyak negara. Kata "demokrasi" berasal dari dua kata, yaitu demos yang berarti rakyat, dan kratos/cratein yang berarti pemerintahan, sehingga dapat diartikan sebagai pemerintahan rakyat, atau yang lebih kita kenal sebagai pemerintahan dari rakyat, oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat. Konsep demokrasi menjadi sebuah kata kunci tersendiri dalam bidang ilmu politik. Hal ini menjadi wajar, sebab demokrasi saat ini disebut-sebut sebagai indikator perkembangan politik suatu negara. Menurut Wikipedia Indonesia, demokrasi adalah bentuk atau mekanisme sistem pemerintahan suatu negara sebagai upaya mewujudkan kedaulatan rakyat (kekuasaan warga negara) atas negara untuk dijalankan oleh pemerintah negara tersebut. Demokrasi yang dianut di Indonesia, yaitu demokrasi berdasarkan Pancasila, masih dalam taraf perkembangan dan mengenai sifat-sifat dan ciri- cirinya terdapat berbagai tafsiran serta pandangan. Tetapi yang tidak dapat disangkal ialah bahwa beberapa nilai pokok dari demokrasi konstitusionil cukup jelas tersirat di dalam Undang Undang Dasar 1945. Selain dari itu Undang-Undang Dasar kita menyebut secara eksplisit 2 prinsip yang menjiwai naskah itu dan yang dicantumkan dalam penjelasan mengenai Sistem Pemerintahan Negara, yaitu: 1. Indonesia ialah negara yang berdasarkan atas hukum (Rechstaat). Negara Indonesia berdasarkan atas hukum (Rechstaat), tidak berdasarkan kekuasaan belaka (Machstaat). 2. Sistem Konstitusionil Pemerintahan berdasarkan atas Sistem Konstitusi (Hukum Dasar), tidak bersifat Absolutisme (kekuasaan yang tidak terbatas). Berdasarkan 2 istilah Rechstaat dan sistem konstitusi, maka jelaslah bahwa demokrasi yang menjadi dasar dari Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, ialah demokrasi konstitusionil. Di samping itu corak khas demokrasi Indonesia, yaitu kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilana, dimuat dalam Pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar. Dengan demikian demokrasi Indonesia mengandung arti di samping nilai umum, dituntut nilai-nilai khusus seperti nilai-nilai yang memberikan pedoman tingkah laku manusia Indonesia dalam hubungannya dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, sesama manusia, tanah air dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, pemerintah dan masyarakat, usaha dan krida manusia dalam mengolah lingkungan hidup. Pengertian lain dari demokrasi Indonesia adalah kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan perwakilan, yang berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa, Kemanusiaan Yang Adil dan Beradab, Persatuan Indonesia dan bertujuan untuk mewujudkan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia (demokrasi pancasila). Pengertian tersebut pada dasarnya merujuk kepada ucapan Abraham Lincoln, mantan presiden Amerika Serikat, yang menyatakan bahwa demokrasi suatu pemerintahan dari rakyat, oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat, berarti pula demokrasi adalah suatu bentuk kekuasaan dari – oleh untuk rakyat. Menurut konsep demokrasi, kekuasaan menyiratkan arti politik dan pemerintahan, sedangkan rakyat beserta warga masyarakat didefinisikan sebagai warga negara. Kenyataannya, baik dari segi konsep maupun praktik, demos menyiratkan makna diskriminatif. Demos bukan untuk rakyat keseluruhan, tetapi populus tertentu, yaitu mereka yang berdasarkan tradisi atau kesepakatan formal memiliki hak preogratif forarytif dalam proses pengambilan/pembuatan keputusan menyangkut urusan publik atau menjadi wakil terpilih, wakil terpilih juga tidak mampu mewakili aspirasi yang memilihnya. (Idris Israil, 2005:51)
    Date: 2021–11–15
  8. By: Ramadan, Rafli
    Abstract: Konsep etika religius menitik beratkan pada perbuatan dan pengamalan dari ajaran agama. Etika religius Syaikh Yusuf dipandang sangat relevan dengan kondisi di Indonesia pada saat ini, karena pemikirannya mengandung kritik sosial dengan menawarkan hakikat Islam secara lahir dan batin atau mengerti syari’at dan tasawuf, lebih-lebih jika dikaitkan dengan perkembangan dakwah Islam di Indonesia saat ini. Di tengah kegandrungan juru dakwah yang mengadopsi ulama Timur Tengah atau Arab, eksistensi tokoh lokal justru jauh lebih kontekstual dengan karakteristik masyarakat Indonesia. Untuk memahami landasan etika religius Syaikh Yusuf, kita perlu mengetahui terlebih dahulu beberapa konsep kunci dalam karya-karyanya. Konsep-konsep tersebut merupakan empat tingkatan dalam praktik sufisme, yaitu syari’at, tarekat, hakikat, dan makrifat.
    Date: 2021–11–23
  9. By: Sari, Suci Indah
    Abstract: Di Indonesia terdapat dua kelembagaan pengelola zakat yang diakui pemerintah, yaitu Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) dan Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional (LAZNAS) dimana keduanya mendapat payung hokum dari pemerintah. Keberadaan BAZNAS dan LAZNAS merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menggali dan mengembangkan potensi zakat di Indonesia. Dalam UU No. 23 Tahun 2011 juga dijelaskan bahwa Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) dan Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional (LAZNAS) merupakan wadah resmi yang terstruktur untuk mendayagunakan zakat di seluruh Indonesia. Dalam konteks pengelolaan zakat, salah satu hal yang perlu dijaga adalah kredibilitas dan akuntabilitas institusi pengelola zakat. Agar tidak muncul ketidak percayaan masyarakat akibat kesalahan dalam pengelolaan zakat dimana hal tersebut berpotensi menciptakan dampak negatif yang berimbas pada penurunan reputasi BAZNAS dan LAZNAS.
    Date: 2021–11–30
  10. By: Widhiastuti, Tiara Puspitasari
    Abstract: Artikel ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan atau gambaran mengenai peran Peran Pancasila dan UUD’45 dalam mewujudkan cita-cita Bangsa Indonesia yaitu Persatuan dan kesatuan di Era Pandemi ini. Penulis menggunakan metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Informasi yang diambil berisikan tentang pemahaman UUD’45, Pancasila, Peran dan penangan Pemerintah maupun Masyarakat di Era Pandemi (COVID-19). Penulis menggunakan metode Penelitian Kualitatif dengan menelusuri melalui sumber e-book, jurnal penelitian dari web internet yang terpercaya. Sebagai Bangsa yang memiliki pedoman maupun semboyan (Pancasila dan UUD’45) sudah sepatutnya Pemerintah dan Masyarakat dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari guna mencegah runtuhnya Persatuan dan Kesatuan Bangsa. Untuk mewujudkan cita-cita bangsa, maka diperlukan kesadaran,pengetahuan/pemahaman serta kepedulian tentang kedudukan Pancasila maupun UUD’45 dari setiap individu. Dengan menerapkan konsep tersebut dengan kebersamaan dan sikap saling menghargai, maka Pemerintah dan Masyarakat Indonesia dapat mewujudkan cita-cita Bangsa Indonesia bersama-sama di Era Pandemi (COVID-19) ini.
    Date: 2021–11–08
  11. By: maulana, ahmad
    Abstract: Keberadaan era Revolusi Industri Keempat (Industri 4.0) sudah tidak memungkinkan lagi Aku menghindarinya lagi. Indonesia harus menyiapkan langkah-langkah strategis untuk itu Anda dapat beradaptasi dengan era industri digital ini. Indonesia berjanji Membangun industri manufaktur yang berdaya saing global melalui akselerasi Implementasi Industri 4.0. Hal ini ditandai dengan dimulainya Making Indonesia 4.0 sebagai roadmap dan strategi Indonesia memasuki era digital ini. Dengan hadirnya Industri 4.0, Menperin sedang mengejar cita-cita dan cita-cita Anda dapat mencapai skala nasional. Industri 4.0 melalui jaringan dan digitalisasi Anda dapat meningkatkan efisiensi rantai manufaktur dan kualitas produk Anda. Namun, Di sisi lain, digitalisasi industri ini berdampak negatif terhadap konsumsi energi. Bekerja dan mengganggu bisnis tradisional. Pemerintah perlu menghitung Dampak negatif Industri 4.0. Ketika pemerintah memutuskan Pemerintah juga perlu berpikir untuk beradaptasi dengan sistem Industri 4.0 Kontinuitasnya. Jangan biarkan aplikasi sistem industri digital ini apa adanya Akan menjadi beban karena tidak bisa dimanfaatkan secara maksimal.
    Date: 2021–11–27
  12. By: Alessandro, Fornaroli
    Abstract: This thesis aims to study the political change taking place in Vietnam. The analysis was based on a thorough systematic review, including the main articles and data on the topic. The analytic perspective adopted was that of polyarchy, which acted as a lens subsequently used to answer two questions. First: What are the points of contact between economic development, political liberalization, and civil society? And second: What political factors lead to the consideration of Vietnam as a polyarchy?
    Date: 2021–11–14
  13. By: Md. Mahmudul Alam (UUM - Universiti Utara Malaysia); Ala Eldin Awawdeh (Emirates College of Technology); Azim Izzuddin Bin Muhamad (UiTM - Universiti Teknologi MARA [Shah Alam])
    Abstract: Purpose This study aims to explore the challenges and prospects of using e-wallets in Malaysia, and what it means for businesses and customers. Suggested here are strategies to leverage the strengths and opportunities as well as overcome the weaknesses and threats. Suggested here are strategies to leverage the strengths and opportunities as well as overcome the weaknesses and threats. Design/methodology/approach This study analyses the e-wallet phenomenon using a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to assess Malaysian business development. It is supported with findings from the literature and secondary data. The relevant secondary data were collected from Bank Negara Malaysia and the World Bank. Findings This study shows that e-wallets in Malaysia have still not achieved their purpose but there is huge potential to do so. The SWOT analysis identified several strengths (e.g. financial incorporation, easy to access, protection and safety, simple for other accounts to connect to, product and consumer service management, quick to implement/administer), weaknesses (e.g. lack of infrastructure and the "tapping" of devices already cornered by the mobile phone market, opportunities (e.g. eliminating fraud, better customer service, promotion/loyalty that can be built into customer experience) and threats (e.g. attacks from viruses, frequent inquiries whether multiple wallets can be used by clients, the concerns of reckless spending behaviour of the e-wallet users). Research limitations/implications This study is crucial for assessing the current situation and the prospects of e-wallets in Malaysia. This study also offers significant insights for policymakers and e-wallet service providers to develop appropriate strategies to enhance e-wallet services in Malaysia. Originality/value This paper is the first of its kind to integrate a SWOT analysis and the rapid development of the e-wallet market in Malaysia. Hence, the findings could broaden our knowledge on the fintech industry and enable firms to participate in the e-wallet market.
    Keywords: Fintech,E-Wallet,Digital payment,Electronic payment,Malaysia
    Date: 2021
  14. By: Dwipraptono Harjito (Universitas Islam Indonesia); Md. Mahmudul Alam (UUM - Universiti Utara Malaysia); Rani Dewi (Universitas Islam Indonesia)
    Abstract: This research assesses the influence of hosting major international sporting competitions on the host countries' stock market performance before and after the announcement of such events. Specifically, this study explores whether stock markets of hosting countries experience cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) during the aforementioned period. For the purposes of investigation, the study considers announcements of the 18th Asian Games and 30th SEA Games hosted by Indonesia and the Philippines, respectively. The LQ45 index of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and PSEi index of the Philippines Stock Exchange (PSE) were chosen to test the significance of these events. It is found that only PSE has experienced a significantly positive CAAR for the event. Findings of this study can make a significant contribution to helping national governments and investors understand the significance of sports to the economies of developing countries and how major sports events can improve stock market efficiency.
    Keywords: Stock market,Southeast Asian Games,Asian games,International sporting event,Event study
    Date: 2021
  15. By: Fatkhurrohman (University of Warwick)
    Abstract: This paper investigates the effect of the arrival of 4G networks on poverty rates by exploiting the gradual adoption of 4G networks in 514 districts/cities in Indonesia. Robust differences-in-differences estimates indicate that 4G network adoption has a significant negative influence on poverty rates – which we argue is due to the increased access to Fintech afforded by the 4G network, hus increasing poor people's access to credit. Moreover, Fintech capitalizes on mobile app-based services, a vastly growing business that has gained popularity since 2015. In addition, this paper also finds that Fintech promotes internet-based job opportunities for impoverished individuals, increasing their income and alleviating poverty in Indonesia.
    Keywords: Fintech ; Financial Inclusion ; Poverty ; Welfare ; Indonesia JEL Classification: O33 ; O36 ; O53 ; I31 ; I32
    Date: 2021
  16. By: Salsabila, 1Inge Dhamanti
    Abstract: Since WHO declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic, COVID-19 management has become a problem for countries with limited resources and weak health systems. The purpose of this article is to describe the implementation of policies in Indonesia and Vietnam, in which both countries have limited resources in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study is a narrative review which compares he COVID-19 policies in two countries. The study is conducted by searching relevant literature on Google Scholar with the keywords "Penerapan Kebijakan COVID-19 di Indonesia", "COVID-19 policy responses in Vietnam", "lesson from limited resource country to control COVID-19", and also scrutinizing the official website managed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Vietnam Ministry of Health. The inclusion criteria are open access papers published between December 2019 and March 2020 in the form of original articles and review articles. This study found the differences in policy implementation between Indonesia and Vietnam in terms of the number of policies, implementation time, scope, and the basis for making policy decisions. Unlike Indonesia, the implementation of policies carried out in Vietnam is more anticipatory, based on previous experience in dealing with the SARS epidemic in 2003. In dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, as a country with limited resources in the health system, it is very important to implement policies that are more preventive and anticipatory based on past experience in dealing with pandemics.
    Date: 2021–03–09
  17. By: hasanuddin, nurhalisa
    Abstract: Abstrak: Zakat dari segi istilah adalah harta tertentu yang wajib dikeluarkan oleh orang yang beragama Islam dan diberikan kepada golongan yang berhak menerimanya. urgensi zakat dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi menjadi salah satu perangkat pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat, tetapi pada bulan maret 2020 Indonesia mengklarifikasi pada media bahwa virus covid -19 sudah masuk ke Indonesia. Virus yang mengguncangkan dunia pada tahun 2019 yang hampir melanda di semua negara. Akibatnya segala kegiatan terbengkalai, termasuk aktivitas ekonomi. Sehingga perlu adanya perhatian dari segala pihak, baik pemerintah dan swasta maupun masyarakat terutama lembaga-lembaga sosial seperti Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) agar ambil peran dalam penanganan masalah yang timbul karena adanya Covid-19. Oleh karena itu peran zakat sangat penting untuk mengurangi beban masyarakat yang terdampak Covid-19. Kata kunci: Zakat, Urgensi, Covid-19, Peran.
    Date: 2021–11–21
  18. By: Alam, Md. Mahmudul (Universiti Utara Malaysia); Awawdeh, Ala Eldin; Bin Muhamad, Azim Izzuddin
    Abstract: Purpose: This study aims to explore the challenges and prospects of using e-wallets in Malaysia, and what it means for businesses and customers. Suggested here are strategies to leverage the strengths and opportunities as well as overcome the weaknesses and threats. Suggested here are strategies to leverage the strengths and opportunities as well as overcome the weaknesses and threats. Design/methodology/approach: This study analyses the e-wallet phenomenon using a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis to assess Malaysian business development. It is supported with findings from the literature and secondary data. The relevant secondary data were collected from Bank Negara Malaysia and the World Bank. Findings: This study shows that e-wallets in Malaysia have still not achieved their purpose but there is huge potential to do so. The SWOT analysis identified several strengths (e.g. financial incorporation, easy to access, protection and safety, simple for other accounts to connect to, product and consumer service management, quick to implement/administer), weaknesses (e.g. lack of infrastructure and the ‘tapping’ of devices already cornered by the mobile phone market, opportunities (e.g. eliminating fraud, better customer service, promotion/loyalty that can be built into customer experience) and threats (e.g. attacks from viruses, frequent inquiries whether multiple wallets can be used by clients, the concerns of reckless spending behaviour of the E-wallet users). Research implications: This study is crucial for assessing the current situation and the prospects of e-wallets in Malaysia. This study also offers significant insights for policymakers and e-wallet service providers to develop appropriate strategies to enhance e-wallet services in Malaysia. Originality/value: This paper is the first of its kind to integrate a SWOT analysis and the rapid development of the e-wallet market in Malaysia. Hence, the findings could broaden our knowledge on the fintech industry and enable firms to participate in the e-wallet market.
    Date: 2021–11–30
  19. By: hasanuddin, nurhalisa
    Abstract: Zakat dari segi istilah adalah harta tertentu yang wajib dikeluarkan oleh orang yang beragama Islam dan diberikan kepada golongan yang berhak menerimanya. urgensi zakat dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi menjadi salah satu perangkat pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat, tetapi pada bulan maret 2020 Indonesia mengklarifikasi pada media bahwa virus covid -19 sudah masuk ke Indonesia. Virus yang mengguncangkan dunia pada tahun 2019 yang hampir melanda di semua negara. Akibatnya segala kegiatan terbengkalai, termasuk aktivitas ekonomi. Sehingga perlu adanya perhatian dari segala pihak, baik pemerintah dan swasta maupun masyarakat terutama lembaga-lembaga sosial seperti Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) agar ambil peran dalam penanganan masalah yang timbul karena adanya Covid-19. Oleh karena itu peran zakat sangat penting untuk mengurangi beban masyarakat yang terdampak Covid-19.
    Date: 2021–11–11
  20. By: Md. Mahmudul Alam (UUM - Universiti Utara Malaysia); Russayani Ismail (UUM - Universiti Utara Malaysia); Jamaliah Said (UiTM - Universiti Teknologi MARA [Shah Alam]); Reza Pahlevi (Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta)
    Abstract: There are many market segmentations in the credit card industry in Malaysia. One of the special categories of credit card is dedicated to the women group only and promoted as a tool for increasing women empowerment, women entrepreneurship development and women financial access ability. Therefore, this study compares the features of credit cards dedicated to women and credit cards in general in Malaysia through descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA test. This study utilizes data of currently available total 234 unique credit cards including four credit cards dedicated to the women group. The data analyses 13 features of credit cards. Among them only two features of credit cards dedicated to women are statistically significantly different from credit cards in general, which are annual charge for balance transfer and cash back facility. Therefore, it is recommended to make more distinguish features in the credit cards that are dedicated to them to encourage more women entrepreneurship as well as to ensure their real financial empowerment. The outcomes of this research will provide useful interpretations to women consumers, business managers, NGOs, government agencies and other policymakers who are working on women's development issues.
    Keywords: Credit Card,Market segmentation,Women empowerment,Entrepreneurship development,Financial access,Malaysia
    Date: 2021
  21. By: Nuswantara, Aldien Senapati
    Abstract: Di tengah gejolak Covid-19, bisnis harus menghadapi persaingan yang solid dan kemajuan yang moderat. Penyebarannya telah mempengaruhi semua bisnis di Indonesia, termasuk industri koordinasi, khususnya organisasi kepelabuhanan. Gangguan dalam koordinasi industri telah terjadi dalam penurunan trailer dan tumpukan kargo. Ini bisa terjadi karena pembatasan transportasi karena perusahaan harus memaksakan kesejahteraan yang lebih jelas untuk memastikan. Akibatnya, rantai pasokan terganggu dan didorong ke pembusukan kritis. . Potensi pekerja untuk berkembang menjadi lingkungan yang berubah secara tiba-tiba dapat menjadi penentu kemenangan organisasi yang besar.
    Date: 2021–11–28
  22. By: Razana Johari (UiTM - Universiti Teknologi MARA [Shah Alam]); Md. Mahmudul Alam (UUM - Universiti Utara Malaysia); Jamaliah Said (UiTM - Universiti Teknologi MARA [Shah Alam])
    Abstract: Purpose The primary role of auditors is to offer fiduciary services to society and users of financial reporting. With this role, users placed their trust and depend on the ability and judgement made by the auditors during their auditing works. However, recent financial scandals involving high profile companies frustrated the public's expectations, particularly in Malaysia. It is claimed that auditors are not having ethical sensitivity while executing their task in mitigating fraudulent financial reporting. Therefore, this study aims to examine the influences of ethical orientation, locus of control and the firm's ethical culture on the auditors' ethical sensitivity in Malaysia. Design/methodology/approach This study collected primary data based on a questionnaire survey among audit firms in the Klang Valley area and registered with Malaysian Institutes of Accountants. Findings The results showed ethical sensitivity has a significant negative relationship with relativism and in some cases has a significant positive relationship with idealism. Moreover, it found a significant positive relationship between ethical sensitivity and ethical culture. Originality/value This paper provides benefit to the audit firms, professional bodies, policymakers and academia in understanding the factors that might increase the sensitivity of auditors in dealing with ethical issues that could lead to fraudulent financial reporting in the company.
    Keywords: Ethical sensitivity,ethical culture,ethical orientation,locus of control,audit,fiduciary services,Malaysia
    Date: 2021
  23. By: Ula, Fiskiatul; Kurniawan, Rachmad Risqy
    Abstract: Abstract In this article, we will discuss the commands and prohibitions in transacting with conventional banks and their impact on the growth of Islamic banking. In the Qur'an, it has been explained that Muslims are prohibited from doing usury and it is God's rule to leave his servants in the transaction of usury and don't even approach him. Therefore, Islamic banks are banks that have securities that carry out business activities based on sharia principles, or Islamic legal principles regulated in the fatwa of the Indonesian ulema Council such as the principles of justice and balance, benefit, universalism, and do not contain gharar, maysir, usury, tyranny and unlawful object. While conventional banks are banks that carry out conventional business activities which in their activities provide services in payment traffic based on established procedures and provisions. Abstrak Dalam artikel ini akan membahas tentang perintah dan larangan dalam bertransaksi dengan bank konvensional dan dampaknya terhadap pertumbuhan perbankan syariah. Dalam Al-quran sudah dijelaskan bahwasanya umat muslim dilarang melakukan riba dan itu sudah peraturan Allah untuk meninggalkan hambanya dalam bertransaksi riba bahkan jangan sampai mendekatinya. Maka dari itulah Bank syariah merupakan bank yang memepunyai efek yang menjalankan kegiatan usaha berdasarkan prinsip syariah, atau prinsip hukum islam yang diatur dalam fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia seperti prinsip keadilan dan keseimbangan, kemaslahatan, universalisme, serta tidak mengandung gharar, maysir, riba, zalim dan obyek yang haram. Sedangkan bank konvensional yaitu bank yang melaksanakan kegiatan usaha secara konvensional yang mana dalam kegiatannya memberikan jasa dalam lalu lintas pembayaran berdasarkan prosedur dan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan.
    Date: 2021–11–28
  24. By: Nguyen, Cuong Viet; Tran, Tuyen Quang; Vuc, Huong Van
    Abstract: In this study, we find that the negative effect of unexploded ordnance (UXO) on the geographical density of foreign direct investment and large firms is a new channel through which the war legacy impedes local development in Vietnam. A 1% increase in the proportion of UXO-contaminated area leads to a 0.78% relative decrease in the density of FDI firms within districts. Point estimates for the elasticity of the density of joint-venture FDI firms and state-owned enterprise (SOEs) due to UXO are smaller, equal to -0.56 and -0.54. Consequently, a 1% increase in the proportion of UXO-contaminated areas leads to a 0.46% relative decrease in the intensity of nighttime light.
    Keywords: War,FDI, unexploded ordnance,local development,Vietnam
    JEL: R12 O12 O15
    Date: 2022
  25. By: Hikmah, Nisa Nurul
    Abstract: di masa yang terus berkembang, kini bisnis digital menjadi perbincangan hangat dan naik daun. Hampir seluruh bisnis berlomba-lomba untuk bisa go digital dan banyak bermunculan startup di Indonesia untuk bisa ikut mendapatkan peluang dari perkembangan zaman yang sedang bertumbuh pesat. Bisnis digital sejatinya sama dengan bisnis konvensional karena berhubungan dengan organisasi dan manajemen. Namun yang membedakan adalah dalam proses dan media bisnis yang terjadi. Proses bisnis yang sebelumnya membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama, bisa digantikan teknologi digital yang lebih menghemat waktu dan bisa mengurangi biaya. Media bisnis digital menjadi intangible, karena tidak ada bentuk fisik. Bisnis digital menggunakan website, social media, e-commerce, dan lain-lain sebagai media dalam memasarkan produk dan jasanya
    Date: 2021–11–06
  26. By: S, Tenri Qalby
    Abstract: Tela tela merupakan salah satu camilan dari singkong yang menyuguhkan rasa renyah, kering dan sangat lezat. Tela-tela singkong menjadi salah satu camilan yang keberadaaannya telah ada sejak dulu. Camilan singkong ini cukup popular bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang banyak menggemarinya, harganya yang terjangkau membuat tela-tela singkong mudah dinikmati oleh siapapun. Tela-tela singkong disukai mulai dari anak-anak hingga orang dewasa. Bahan singokong dalam pembuatan tela-tela memang menjadi bahan pangan yang mampu menyuguhkan rasa yang lezat. Tela-tela singkong menjadi salah satu varian makanan singkong yang disukai banyak orang. Makanan berbahan singkong ini mudah didapatkan, banyak warung juga penajaja tela-tela singkong yang beterbaran di masyarakat. Mulai dari harga 5 ribu, anda sudah dapat menikmati seporsi tela-tela singkong yang membuat rasanya semakin nikmat.Selain itu kami menyediakan berbagai varian rasa seperti rasa ayam, rasa keju dan rasa balado.
    Date: 2021–11–27
  27. By: Winarni, Enny
    Abstract: Zakat merupakan salah satu kewajiban yang harus dilakukan oleh setiap orang yang beragama Islam dengan tujuan untuk menyucikan diri harta dan jiwa setiap orang yang mengeluarkan zakat. Zakat dikeluarkan dengan adanya peraturan baik dari peraturan Allah yakni Al Qur'an dan Sunnah juga dari peraturan pemerintah melalui perundang-undangan. Orang yang mengeluarkan zakat biasanya disebut dengan mudzakki sedangkan orang yang menerima zakat disebut sebagai mustahik. Mustahik yang dimaksud dalam Al Qur'an adalah 8 golongan yang tercantum dalam Al Qur'an surah At-taubah ayat 60.
    Date: 2021–11–14
  28. By: ; Azizah, Fithri; , Rahmi; S, Tenri Qalby
    Abstract: Tela tela merupakan salah satu camilan dari singkong yang menyuguhkan rasa renyah, kering dan sangat lezat. Tela-tela singkong menjadi salah satu camilan yang keberadaaannya telah ada sejak dulu. Camilan singkong ini cukup popular bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang banyak menggemarinya, harganya yang terjangkau membuat tela-tela singkong mudah dinikmati oleh siapapun. Tela-tela singkong disukai mulai dari anak-anak hingga orang dewasa. Bahan singokong dalam pembuatan tela-tela memang menjadi bahan pangan yang mampu menyuguhkan rasa yang lezat. Tela-tela singkong menjadi salah satu varian makanan singkong yang disukai banyak orang. Makanan berbahan singkong ini mudah didapatkan, banyak warung juga penajaja tela-tela singkong yang beterbaran di masyarakat. Mulai dari harga 5 ribu, anda sudah dapat menikmati seporsi tela-tela singkong yang membuat rasanya semakin nikmat.Selain itu kami menyediakan berbagai varian rasa seperti rasa ayam, rasa keju dan rasa balado.
    Date: 2021–11–28
  29. By: Bari, Azizul; Alam, Lubna; Alam, Md. Mahmudul (Universiti Utara Malaysia); Rahman, Labonnah Farzana; Pereira, Joy Jacqueline
    Abstract: Flash flood is the most devastating natural disaster experienced in Malaysia. It can be defined as any high water flow caused by various factors such as rainstorms, slow water run-off, and broken dams. In Malaysia, the most typical and disruptive hydro-meteorological occurrences are flash floods, which are mostly faced by Malaysian cities including Kuala Lumpur and Kajang. However, flash floods may occur at any time of the year rather than during monsoon and can result in devastating losses and damages. Thus, several mitigation steps and estimations are warranted to handle flash floods, especially at the city level. Hence, this paper estimated the amount of direct loss and damage due to flash floods on the basis of the commercial area of Kajang City. This empirical study used primary data collected through direct face-to-face semi-structured interviews with 41 businessmen in the study area. The average estimated overall losses and damages per shop was RM4,510.07 due to flash floods at Kajang City in 2014, wherein the significant contribution comes from the economic side. This study’s findings can serve as the baseline information for future studies on flash flood losses and damages. Furthermore, the present study suggests extensive institutional research for estimating losses and damages due to flash floods at the country level as an adaptation strategy.
    Date: 2021–11–30
  30. By: Ghifarisadewa, Muhammad Raynara
    Abstract: Sumber daya perusahaan memiliki peran yang berpengaruh dalam mendukung pencapaian kinerja perusahaan. Tak terkecuali perusahaan keuangan, apalagi dengan tren persaingan yang semakin meningkat saat ini. Resource-Based Theory (RBT) dan Dynamic Capability Theory (DCT) adalah teori utama penelitian ini berfokus pada evaluasi sumber daya yang ada di dalam perusahaan serta setiap aktivitas perusahaan yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi target pendapatan perusahaan melalui analisis data.
    Date: 2021–11–28
  31. By: Ramadan, Rafli
    Abstract: Bisnis merupakan bagian dari kegiatan ekonomi dan mempunyai peranan yang sangat vital dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan manusia. Kegiatan bisnis mempengaruhi semua tingkat kehidupan manusia baik individu, sosial, regional, nasional maupun internasional. Tiap hari jutaan manusia melakukan kegiatan bisnis sebagai produsen, perantara maupun sebagai konsumen. Bisnis adalah kegiatan ekonomis. Hal-hal yang terjadi dalam kegiatan ini adalah tukar menukar, jual beli, memproduksi memasarkan, bekerja memperkerjakan, serta interaksi manusiawi lainnya, dengan tujuan memperoleh keuntungan (Bertens, 2000 : 17). Dalam kegiatan perdagangan (bisnis), pelaku usaha atau pebisnis dan konsumen (pemakai barang dan jasa) samaïsama mempunyai kebutuhan dan kepentingan. Pelaku usaha harus memiliki tanggung jawab terhadap konsumen, karyawan, pemegang saham, komunitas dan lingkungan dalam segala aspek operasional perusahaan. Untuk itu sangat diperlukan aturan-aturan dan nilai-nilai yang mengatur kegiatan bisnis tersebut agar tidak ada pihak-pihak yang dirugikan dan dieksploitasi baik pihak konsumen, karyawan maupun siapa saja yang ikut terlibat dalam kegiatan bisnis tersebut. Kenyataan yang kita hadapi sekarang di masyarakat adalah perilaku yang menyimpang dari ajaran agama dan merosotnya nilai etika dalam bisnis. Bagi kalangan ini bisnis adalah kegiatan manusia yang bertujuan mencari laba semata-mata. Hal ini juga dinyatakan oleh Fauroni (2003 : 92) bahwa etika bisnis merupakan keharusan. Etika dapat menyatu dengan dunia bisnis. Tanpa etika, dunia bisnis akan menjadi sebuah struktur kehidupan yang tersendiri dan dan menjadi dunia yang “hitam”. Selain itu hal yang juga penting dalam bisnis adalah pelayanan terhadap konsumen. Hanya perusahaan yang mampu memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada konsumen yang akan sukses. Bentuk pelayanan terhadap konsumen antara lain adalah mempertahankan mutu barang dan jasa, permintaan konsumen dengan harga yang tepat, tidak membohongi konsumen, dan sebagainya.Di dalam sistem kapitalis kebebasan memilih pekerjaan merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat diagungkan. Dengan begitu, penentuan upah yang tinggi mempengaruhi pekerjaan seseorang. Dari sini munculah eksploitasi besar-besaran pada kaum buruh. Disatu pihak para bos menerima gaji yang sangat tinggi sementara para buruh hanya mendapatkan gaji yang minim. Terutama di negara-negara dunia berkembang seperti Indonesia. Salah satu ciri sistem kapitalisme adalah upah rendah dan proteksi dari pemerintah. Tenaga kerja Indonesia termasuk yang paling murah di Asia Tenggara, sementara waktu atau jam kerjanya tergolong tinggi dengan tingkat kesejahteraan kurang dari cukup. UMR (Upah Minimum Regional) atau UMP (Upah Minimun Provinsi) yang telah ditetapkan oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) belum dapat memberikan jaminan kesejahteraan buruh. Buktinya demonstrasi buruh sering terjadi di perusahaan-perusahaan atau instansi-instansi. Berbeda halnya dengan sistem kapitalisme, Islam mengatur bisnis sesuai dengan syariatnya karena bisnis dalam Islam memposisikan pengertian bisnis yang pada hakikatnya merupakan usaha manusia untuk mencari keridhaan Allah swt. Bisnis tidak bertujuan jangka pendek, individual dan semata-mata keuntungan yang berdasarkan kalkulasi matematika, tetapi bertujuan jangka pendek sekaligus jangka panjang, yaitu tanggung jawab pribadi dan sosial dihadap masyarakat, negara dan Allah SWT.
    Date: 2021–11–19
  32. By: , Asniar
    Abstract: Bangsa Indonesia seperti juga bangsa berkembang di dunia, tengah dihadapkan pada masalah kemiskinan dan pengangguran yang jumlahnya semakin bertambah. Sebagian dari mereka adalah kaum terpelajar yang berusia produktif. Dampak pengangguran tidak hanya menjadi sumber kriminalitas, tetapi berakibat pada rendahnya produktifitas dan daya saing bangsa. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah pengangguran dan kemiskinan tersebut, pilihan tepat adalah menciptakan lapangan kerja dengan memaksimalkan potensi dan keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh angkatan kerja yang menganggur. Penciptaan lebih banyak kesempatan kerja akan memiliki kontribusi besar terhadap produktifitas bangsa, khususnya untuk memberantas kemiskinan dan memecahkan masalah sosial, keputusasaan dan frustasi. Siapa yang bisa menciptakan lapangan kerja? Jawabnya adalah: ‛ENTREPRENEUR‛ atau Wirausaha
    Date: 2021–11–07
  33. By: , Asniar
    Abstract: Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia adalah merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam proses pendidikan secara umum. Oleh karena itu fungsi-fungsi dalam pengelolaan sumber daya manusia harus dilaksanakan secara optimal sehingga kebutuhan yang menyangkut tujuan individu, perusahaan, organisasi ataupun kelembagaan dapat tercapai. Disamping itu dengan prosedur pengelolaan sumber daya manusia yang baik diharapkan kekurangan dan problem yang dihadapi oleh bangsa Indonesia, yaitu yang terkait dengan kemampuan daya saing dapat teratasi. Era globalisasi adalah era yang sedang dihadapi oleh setiap bangsa pada saat ini dan merupakan era di mana dunia menjadi terbuka dan ini menuntut kesiapan sumber daya manusia untuk semakin sadar akan adanya keterbukaan juga menuntut kesadaran akan hak dan kewajibannya sebagai insan berbudaya. Oleh karenanya, apapun unsur yang terkandung di dalam era global tersebut menuntut kesiapan suatu bangsa dalam menghadapinya, khususnya kesiapan sumber daya manusianya.
    Date: 2021–11–20
  34. By: Oktavia, Ririn
    Abstract: Pembelajaran adalah dasar proses interaksi peserta didik dengan pendidik dan sumber belajar pada suatu lingkungan belajar. Pembelajaran merupakan bantuan yang diberikan pendidik agar terjadi proses perolehan ilmu dan pengetahuan, penguasaan kemahiran dan tabiat, serta pembentukan sikap dan kepercayaan pada peserta didik.Untuk mewujudkan peserta didik yang memiliki kemampuan hidup sebagai pribadi dan warga negara yang beriman, produktif, kreatif, inovatif, dan mengerti teknologi perlu adanya dukungan belajar yang baik sevara fisik maupun non fisik. Selain dukungan, peserta didik juga perlu adanya sarana alternatif untuk meningkatkan semangat belajar dan meewujudkan keberhasilan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Pada penulisan ini penulis memberikan alternatif yang mengandalkan kekreatifan pada peserta didik melalui digital pada saat ini. Tujuan dari pembelajaran komik digital ini agar peserta didik tidak bosan dengan isi materi yang hanya penuh dengan tulisan saja dan tujuannya agar peserta didik bisa memanfaatkan teknologi secara kreatif. Pembelajarn ini hanya untuk peserta didik teingkat SMA/MA.
    Date: 2021–12–04
  35. By: Ivo Maes (Robert Triffin Chair, University of Louvain and Ichec Brussels Management School); Ilaria Pasotti (Consultant at the Intesa Sanpaolo Group Historical Archives)
    Abstract: Especially with the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998, Asian countries have advocated a profound reform of the international financial architecture. Their proposals focused on two main axes: a reform of the global financial system and stronger regional monetary integration in Asia. There are here significant parallels with the ideas of Robert Triffin (1911-1993). Triffin became famous with trenchant analyses of the vulnerabilities of the international monetary system, especially his book Gold and the Dollar Crisis. Triffin put forward several proposals for reforming the global monetary system, but he also developed proposals for regional monetary integration. These were very much based on his experience with the European Payments Union, and focused on the creation of a (European) Reserve Fund and a (European) currency unit. In this paper we focus on Triffin’s proposals for an Asian payments union in the late 1960s, giving special attention to Japan (in Triffin’s time the biggest Asian economy).
    Keywords: : Triffin, Bretton Woods, international liquidity, regional monetary integration, Asian Payments Union, Japan
    JEL: A11 B22 B31 E30 E50 F02 F32
    Date: 2022–03
  36. By: Azhar, Nurul Izzaty Hasanah; Lokman, Norziana; Alam, Md. Mahmudul (Universiti Utara Malaysia); Said, Jamaliah
    Abstract: Predicting the sustainability of a business is crucial to prevent financial losses among shareholders and investors. This study attempts to evaluate the Altman model for predicting corporate failure in distressed and non-distressed Malaysian companies based on the data of financially troubled companies which are classified as Practice Note 17 (PN17) and matching similar non-PN17 companies during the period 2013 to 2017. This study utilizes panel ordinal and panel random effects regressions. Findings show that the liquidity, profitability, leverage, solvency, and efficiency ratios are negatively significantly associated with corporate failure and bankruptcy. The leverage ratio is determined to be the strongest indicator of bankruptcy, followed by profitability, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency ratios. The findings will help companies’ management bodies implement suitable strategies to prevent further financial leakage, thereby ensuring continuous and sustainable return on investment and profits for investors and shareholders.
    Date: 2021–11–30
  37. By: Halim, Ismail
    Abstract: Keadaan ekonomi yang semakin sulit yang terjadi di Indonesia, khususnya dialami oleh wirausahawan, baik usaha yang bersifat kecil, menengah, maupun usaha berskala besar. Wirausahawan yang bergerak di sektor industri, perdagangan, pertanian mengalami kendala dengan keadaan ekonomi yang sulit tersebut. Kendala yang dialami oleh pelaku usaha di bidang ekonomi, yaitu permodalan bagi usaha kecil pada khususnya maupun penambahan modal pada kegiatan usaha yang sudah mapan. Kondisi demikian menyebabkan masyarakat umum dan wirausahaan sangat membutuhkan bantuan keuangan dengan kredit yang terjangkau untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan naiknya daya beli. Para pedagang kecil merupakan salah satu bagian dari masyarakat golongan ekonomi lemah yang perlu mendapat uluran dari tangan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan taraf hidupnya. Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi pedagang kecil dalam meningkatkan usahanya ialah kesulitan dalam permodalan. Untuk meningkatkan usahanya dibutuhkan modal yang didapatkan adalah modal yang mempunyai suku bunga tinggi yang diperoleh dari para rentenir. Hal tersebut tetap berlangsung karena tidak ada jalan lain yang harus dilakukan. Peminjaman dana merupakan suatu alternatif dalam memulai usaha atau mengembangkan usaha, maka dari itu diperlukan modal khususnya dalam bentuk dana/uang. Namun ketika dana tidak mencukupi, maka diperlukannya sumber dana melalui lembaga keuangan untuk memulai serta menunjang kegiatan usaha bagi masyarakat luas khususnya UMKM. Salah satu cara dalam meningkatkan dan menstabilkan perekonomian adalah dengan membangun serta mengembangkan sebuah usaha pada masyarakat utamanya pada usaha mikro kecil dan menengah yaitu dengan memberikan peminjaman modal. Pelaku usaha bisa mendapatkan pinjaman modal pada berbagai lembaga keuangan yang ada. Ada begitu banyak lembaga keuangan atau jasa peminjaman yang menyediakan pinjaman modal, seperti bank, pegadaian, koperasi, dan leasing.
    Date: 2021–11–07
  38. By: , Rahmadana
    Abstract: Salah satu aspek yang tidak kalah pentingnya untuk dikelola para wirausahawan adalah sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang dimilikinya. Manusia (karyawan) yang menjadi motor penggerak kegiatan usaha perlu dikelola secara professional. Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia (SDM) ini biasanya dikenal dengan manajemen sumber daya manusia. Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia adalah merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam proses pendidikan secara umum. Oleh karena itu fungsi-fungsi dalam pengelolaan sumber daya manusia harus dilaksanakan secara optimal sehingga kebutuhan yang menyangkut tujuan individu, perusahaan, organisasi ataupun kelembagaan dapat tercapai. Disamping itu dengan prosedur pengelolaan sumber daya manusia yang baik diharapkan kekurangan dan problem yang dihadapi oleh bangsa Indonesia, yaitu yang terkait dengan kemampuan daya saing dapat teratasi.
    Date: 2021–11–21
  39. By: Johari, Razana Juhaida; Alam, Md. Mahmudul (Universiti Utara Malaysia); Said, Jamaliah
    Abstract: Purpose – Integrity-related issues are now endemic to public service bureaucracies. It is claimed that corruption in the public sector is very common in various departments/agencies. Lack of integrity will lead to failings in governance and proper oversight of procedures, and subsequently poor financial management and incidents of fraud. Based on the Stakeholder Theory Perspective, this study examines the influences of accountability, risk management and managerial commitment on practices of integrity in the Malaysian public sector. Design/methodology/approach – Primary data were collected through both printed and online questionnaires given to 210 department heads operating within selected Malaysian federal ministries. Data were analysed via the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) approach to examine the research hypotheses. Findings – It is evident that integrity practices in Malaysia’s public sector are statistically significantly related to risk management, accountability, and management commitment. Practical/Policy implications – The findings will help the Malaysian federal ministries to take the necessary steps to improve integrity so that dependability and efficiency are the hallmarks of public sector services. Originality/value – To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is one of the first to examine the role of accountability, risk management, and managerial commitment to integrity in the public sector of a developing market economy.
    Date: 2021–11–30
  40. By: Razana Johari (UiTM - Universiti Teknologi MARA [Shah Alam]); Md. Mahmudul Alam (UUM - Universiti Utara Malaysia); Jamaliah Said (UiTM - Universiti Teknologi MARA [Shah Alam])
    Abstract: Purpose Integrity-related issues are now endemic to public service bureaucracies. It is claimed that corruption in the public sector is very common in various departments/agencies. Lack of integrity will lead to failings in governance and proper oversight of procedures, and subsequently poor financial management and incidents of fraud. Based on the stakeholder theory perspective, this study examines the influences of accountability, risk management and managerial commitment on practices of integrity in the Malaysian public sector. Design/methodology/approach Primary data were collected through both printed and online questionnaires given to 210 department heads operating within selected Malaysian federal ministries. Data were analysed via the partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach to examine the research hypotheses. Findings It is evident that integrity practices in Malaysia's public sector are statistically significantly related to risk management, accountability and management commitment. Practical implications The findings will help the Malaysian federal ministries to take the necessary steps to improve integrity so that dependability and efficiency are the hallmarks of public sector services. Originality/value To the best of the authors' knowledge, this study is one of the first to examine the role of accountability, risk management and managerial commitment to integrity in the public sector of a developing market economy.
    Keywords: Public Sector,Integrity,Risk Management,Accountability,Management Commitment
    Date: 2020–12–25
  41. By: Thomas Dudek (School of Economics and Finance, Victoria University of Wellington); Anne Ardila Brenoe (Department of Economics, University of Zurich); Jan Feld (School of Economics and Finance, Victoria University of Wellington); Julia M. Rohrer (Department of Psychology, Leipzig University)
    Abstract: Does growing up with a sister rather than a brother affect personality? In this paper, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the effects of siblings’ gender on adults’ personality, using data from 85,887 people from 12 large representative surveys covering 9 countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Mexico, China, and Indonesia). We investigated the personality traits risk tolerance, trust, patience, locus of control, and the Big Five. We found no meaningful causal effects of the gender of the next younger sibling, and no associations with the gender of the next older sibling. Based on high statistical power and consistent results in the overall sample and relevant subsamples, our results suggest that siblings’ gender does not systematically affect personality.
    Keywords: personality, economic preferences, sibling gender, sibling sex
    JEL: J12 J16 J24
    Date: 2022–03–10
  42. By: Zen, Irina Safitri; Al-Amin, Abul Quasem; Alam, Md. Mahmudul (Universiti Utara Malaysia); Doberstein, Brent
    Abstract: The carbon footprint of households is a significant contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 24% of total emissions. As a result, it is critical to quantify a household's carbon footprint in order to reduce it over time. One of the best ways to measure carbon emitted from various sectors of the economy, including household daily activities, is to calculate a country's carbon footprint (CF). This study statistically examined the magnitude of households’ carbon footprints and their relationships with household daily activities and certain socio-economic demographic variables in Malaysia. Results revealed that the average household carbon footprint amounted to 11.76 t-CO2. The average also showed that the primary carbon footprint, 7.02 t-CO2 or 59.69% was higher compared to the secondary carbon footprint which was 4.73 t- CO2 or 40.22% and assessment revealed significant differences among household types. The largest carbon footprint was evident in a medium-high cost urban area, estimated at 20.14 t-CO2, while the carbon footprint found in a rural area was 9.58 t-CO2. In the latter, the primary carbon footprint was almost double the figure of 5.84 t-CO2 (61%) than the secondary carbon footprint of 3.73 t-CO2 (39%). The study reveals a higher carbon footprint in urban areas compared to rural ones depicting the effects of urbanisation and urban sprawl on household lifestyles and carbon footprints. Despite some limitations, the findings of this study will help policymakers design and implement stronger policies that enforce low-carbon activities and energy-saving goods and services in order to reduce urban Malaysia's carbon footprint dramatically.
    Date: 2021–11–30
  43. By: Vuong, Quan-Hoang; Le, Tam-Tri; Quang-Loc, Nguyen; Nguyen, Minh-Hoang
    Abstract: Air pollution is a considerable environmental stressor for urban residents in developing countries. Perceived health risks of air pollution might induce migration intention among inhabitants. The current study employed the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) to investigate the rationale behind the domestic and international migration intentions among 475 inhabitants in Hanoi, Vietnam – one of the most polluted capital cities worldwide. We found that people perceiving more impacts of air pollution in their daily life are more likely to have migration intention. The effect of perceived air pollution impact on international migration intention is stronger than that of domestic migration. Acknowledging a family member’s air pollution-induced sickness moderated the association between perceived air pollution impact and domestic migration intention, while the personal experience of air pollution-induced sickness did not. In contrast, the moderation effect of personal experience of sickness became significant in the international migration circumstance, but the effect of information about a family member’s sickness was trivial. The findings suggest that urban inhabitants’ consideration of air pollution averting strategies reflects some characteristics of Homo Oeconomicus. Additionally, the individual’s socio-economic decision is seemingly insignificant on a social scale. Still, through environmental stressors as catalysts, such decisions might result in considerable social outcomes (e.g., internal migration and emigration).
    Date: 2021–11–11
  44. By: Pretto, Madeline (Monash University)
    Abstract: Do households comprehend the nature of price tail-risks inherent to real-time electricity pricing plans? Through an incentivised online experiment, we find that a probabilistic risk disclosure elicits greater demand for real-time pricing (RTP) products relative to a low-risk fixed-price alternative, without improving comprehension of tail-risk in RTP. Participants also show a tendency to place low value on tail-risk protection. Finally, the experience of a bill shock improves risk comprehension and drives choice away from RTP, suggesting that personal experience plays a greater role in self-imposed risk protection than does a probabilistic risk disclosure. We discuss the implications these findings may have for regulators with a consumer protection mandate.
    Keywords: Vietnam retail electricity market ; block rate pricing ; welfare effect ; electricity externalities ; demand function ; cash transfer ; quantity-based subsidy JEL Classification: D12 ; D63 ; Q41 ; Q48
    Date: 2021
  45. By: Aljumah, Ahmad Ibrahim; Nuseir, Mohammed T.; Alam, Md. Mahmudul (Universiti Utara Malaysia)
    Abstract: Objective/Purpose: The aim of the study is to examine the impact of the big data analytics capabilities (BDAC) on the organizational performance. The study also examines the mediating role of ambidexterity and the moderating role of business value of big data (BVBD) analytics in the relationship between the big data analytics capabilities and the organizational performance. Methodology/Design: This study collected primary data based on a questionnaire survey among the large manufacturing firms operating in UAE. A total of 650 questionnaires were distributed among the manufacturing firms and 295 samples were used for final data analysis. The survey was conducted from September to November in 2019 and partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Findings: The BDA scalability is supported by the findings on the performance of firm and its determinants such as system, value of business, and quality of information. The role of business value as a moderator and ambidexterity as mediator are found significant. The results reveal that there is a need for managers to consider the business value and quality dynamics as crucial strategic objectives to achieve high performance of the firm. Implications: The study has significant policy implication for practitioners and researchers for understanding the issues related to big data analytics. Originality/Value: This is an original study based on primary data from UAE manufacturing firms.
    Date: 2021–11–30
  46. By: Aljumah, Ahmad Ibrahim; Nuseir, Mohammed T.; Alam, Md. Mahmudul (Universiti Utara Malaysia)
    Abstract: Objective/Purpose: This study investigates the impact of traditional marketing analytics and big data analytics on the success of a new product. Moreover, it assesses the mediating effects of the quality of big data system. Methodology/Design: This study is based on primary data that were collected through an online questionnaire survey from large manufacturing firms operating in UAE. Out of total distributed 421 samples, 327 samples were used for final data analysis. The survey was conducted from March-April 2020 and data analysis was done via Structural Equation Modelling (SEM-PLS). Findings: It emerges that big data analysis (BDA), traditional marketing analysis (TMA) and big data system quality (BDSQ) are significant determinants of new product development (NPD) success. Meanwhile, the BDA and TMA significantly affect the BDSQ. Results of the mediating role of BDSQ in the relationship between the BDA and NPD as well as TMA and NPD are significant. Implications: There are significant policy implications for practitioners and researchers concerning the role of analytics, particularly big data analytics and big data system quality, when attempting to achieve success in developing new products. Originality/Value: This is an original study based on primary data from UAE.
    Date: 2021–11–30
  47. By: Aktar, Asikha; Alam, Md. Mahmudul (Universiti Utara Malaysia); Al-Amin, Abul Quasem
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as one of the deadliest infectious diseases on the planet. Millions of people and businesses have been placed in lockdown where the main aim is to stop the spread of the virus. As an extreme phenomenon, the lockdown has triggered a global economic shock at an alarming pace, conveying sharp recessions for many countries. In the meantime, the lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have drastically changed energy consumption patterns and reduced CO2 emissions throughout the world. Recent data released by the International Monetary Fund and International Energy Agency for 2020 further forecast that emissions will rebound in 2021. Still, the full impact of COVID-19 in terms of how long the crisis will be and how the consumption pattern of energy and the associated levels of CO2 emissions will be affected are unclear. This review aims to steer policymakers and governments of nations toward a better direction by providing a broad and convincing overview on the observed and likely impacts of the pandemic of COVID-19 on the world economy, world energy demand, and world energy-related CO2 emissions that may well emerge in the next few years. Indeed, given that immediate policy responses are required with equal urgency to address three things—pandemic, economic downturn, and climate crisis. This study outlines policy suggestions that can be used during these uncertain times as a guide.
    Date: 2021–11–30
  48. By: Bernardus Van Doornik (Banco Central do Brasil); Dimas Fazio (National University of Singapore); David Schoenherr (Princeton University); Janis Skrastins (Washington University in St. Louis)
    Abstract: We document that a more generous unemployment insurance (UI) system shifts labor supply from safer to riskier firms and reduces compensating wage differentials risky firms need to pay. Consequently, a more generous UI system increases risky firms’ value and fosters entrepreneurship by reducing new firms’ labor costs. Exploiting a UI reform in Brazil that affects only part of the workforce allows us to compare labor supply for workers with different degrees of UI protection within the same firm, sharpening identification of the results. Altogether, our results suggest that UI provides a transfer system from safe to risky firms.
    Keywords: unemployment insurance, labor supply, firm risk, entrepreneurship
    JEL: J21 J22 J46 J65 K31
    Date: 2022–01
  49. By: Booth, Hollie (University of Oxford); Ramdlan, M Said; Hafizh, Ayesha; Wongsopatty, Karto; Mourato, Susana (London School of Economics and Political Science); Pienkowski, Thomas; Adrianto, Luky; Milner-Gulland, E.J.
    Abstract: Large, long-lived marine animals (‘marine megafauna’) play critical roles in ocean ecosystems, however, they are threatened by overfishing. Technologies and practices that reduce fisheries’ impacts on marine megafauna are well documented, yet less is known about how to encourage their adoption. This is particularly challenging in small-scale fisheries (SSFs), where endangered species can have important consumptive use values. We used a novel combination of methods – scenario interviews with contingent valuation (CV) – to investigate how incentive-based interventions might influence fisher behaviour and reduce mortality of Critically Endangered taxa (hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.) and wedgefish (Rhynchobatus spp.)) in two case study SSFs in Indonesia. Scenario interviews revealed that positive performance-based incentives were almost unanimously supported (98% and 96% of fishers would stop landing hammerheads and wedgefish, respectively). This is in contrast to 1% and 6% under a business as usual control scenario, and 52% and 46% in response to a regulation with a fine. Using CV, we estimated that an incentive-based scheme for catch mitigation of all hammerheads and wedgefish across both sites could cost US$71,620-298,820 annually, and save up to 18,500 hammerheads and 2,140 wedgefish relative to current catch baselines. This study provides empirical evidence that performance-based payments could offer a cost-effective, legitimate and socially-just approach for marine conservation in SSFs, and support “a sustainable and equitable blue economy” and “living in harmony with nature”. This is particularly important with the growing adoption of net-outcome goals for biodiversity, with studies such as this providing the basis for locally-appropriate investment ready schemes for bycatch-neutral seafood supply chains.
    Date: 2021–11–14
  50. By: Khuc, Quy Van; Nguyen, Minh-Hoang; Le, Tam-Tri; Nguyen, Truc-Le; Nguyen, Thuy; Vuong, Quan-Hoang
    Abstract: Due to perceived risks of air pollution in urban areas, inhabitants may develop intentions of migrating to another place with better air quality. The brain drain phenomenon occurs when talented workforces leave their current living places, causing serious loss of valuable human resources. The complex interactions among demographic factors that may influence migration intention require deeper investigation. Based on the theoretical foundation of the Mindsponge framework of information processing, we employ Bayesian analysis on a dataset of 475 citizens in Hanoi, Vietnam. We found the existence of the brain drain effect for both domestic and international migration intentions induced by air pollution concerns. Regarding intentions to migrate domestically, the probability is higher for young people and males than their counterparts. Our findings suggest environmental stressors can induce changes in citizen displacement on a large scale through the psychological mechanism of personal cost-benefit evaluation. Furthermore, policymakers need to consider the long-term negative effects of air pollution on human resources and strive to build an ‘eco-surplus culture’ for improving environmental sustainability and socio-economic resilience.
    Date: 2021–11–13
  51. By: Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore); John R. Grigsby (Princeton University); Ali Hortaçsu (University of Chicago); Gregor Matvos (Northwestern University); Amit Seru (Stanford University)
    Abstract: We study the interaction of search and application approval in credit markets. We combine a unique dataset, which details search behavior for a large sample of mortgage borrowers, with loan application and rejection decisions. Our data reveal substantial dispersion in mortgage rates and search intensity, conditional on observables. However, in contrast to predictions of standard search models, we find a novel non-monotonic relationship between search and realized prices: borrowers, who search a lot, obtain more expensive mortgages than borrowers' with less frequent search. The evidence suggests that this occurs because lenders screen borrowers' creditworthiness, rejecting unworthy borrowers, which differentiates consumer credit markets from other search markets. Based on these insights, we build a model that combines search and screening in presence of asymmetric information. Risky borrowers internalize the probability that their application is rejected, and behave as if they had higher search costs. The model rationalizes the relationship between search, interest rates, defaults, and application rejections, and highlights the tight link between credit standards and pricing. We estimate the parameters of the model and study several counterfactuals. The model suggests that "overpayment" may be a poor proxy for consumer unsophistication since it partly represents rational search in presence of rejections. Moreover, the development of improved screening technologies from AI and big data (i.e., fintech lending) could endogenously lead to more severe adverse selection in credit markets. Finally, place based policies, such as the Community Reinvestment Act, may affect equilibrium prices through endogenous search responses rather than increased credit risk.
    Keywords: credit markets, household finance
    JEL: G21 G50 G51 G53 L00
    Date: 2020–06
  52. By: Booth, Hollie (University of Oxford); Ichsan, Muhammad; Hermansyah, Rizky Fajar; Rohmah, Lailia Nur; Naira, Kusuma Banda; Adrianto, Luky; Milner-Gulland, E.J.
    Abstract: Fisheries bycatch is the greatest threat to migratory, long-lived marine animals. Managing bycatch can be particularly problematic in small-scale mixed-species fisheries, where perceptions of target and non-target vary widely, and all catches have economic or subsistence value. Such fisheries are ubiquitous throughout the world’s oceans, and represent a cross-disciplinary challenge for biodiversity, food security and livelihoods. We offer a novel approach for addressing this challenge, drawing on well-established theories from behavioural and social sciences. We first typify bycatch as a spectrum rather than a clearly delineated component of catch, where the position of a species on this spectrum depends on fishers’ beliefs regarding the outcomes of bycatch-relevant behaviour. We then outline an approach to diagnose the underlying socio-psychological drivers of bycatch, based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Finally, we illustrate the approach using an empirical case study, exploring fishers’ beliefs regarding bycatch-relevant behaviour for three endangered species in a small-scale gill net fishery in Indonesia. We show how a socio-psychological approach can help to identify conflicts and synergies between bycatch mitigation and fishers’ beliefs, thus informing more effective and socially-just interventions for marine megafauna conservation. We emphasize the need to understand human dimensions of bycatch, especially in SSFs, where technical fixes alone will be insufficient to change behaviour. Rather, interdisciplinary approaches are needed to align fishers’ needs with conservation objectives. Our spectrum and approach could be widely applied for disentangling drivers of bycatch in other SSFs, and designing interventions which support effective and equitable marine conservation.
    Date: 2021–11–15
  53. By: Liu, Yanbo (Shandong University); Phillips, Peter C. B. (Yale University); Yu, Jun (Singapore Management Uinversity)
    Abstract: This study provides new mechanisms for identifying and estimating explosive bubbles in mixed-root panel autoregressions with a latent group structure. A postclustering approach is employed that combines a recursive k-means clustering algorithm with panel-data test statistics for testing the presence of explosive roots in time series trajectories. Uniform consistency of the k-means clustering algorithm is established, showing that the post-clustering estimate is asymptotically equivalent to the oracle counterpart that uses the true group identities. Based on the estimated group membership, right-tailed self-normalized t-tests and coefficient-based J-tests, each with pivotal limit distributions, are introduced to detect the explosive roots. The usual Information Criterion (IC) for selecting the correct number of groups is found to be inconsistent and a new method that combines IC with a Hausman-type specification test is proposed that consistently estimates the true number of groups. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations provide strong evidence that in finite samples, the recursive k-means clustering algorithm can correctly recover latent group membership in data of this type and the proposed post-clustering panel-data tests lead to substantial power gains compared with the time series approach. The proposed methods are used to identify bubble behavior in US and Chinese housing markets, and the US stock market, leading to new findings concerning speculative behavior in these markets.
    Keywords: Bubbles; Clustering; Mildly explosive behavior; k-means; Latent membership detection
    JEL: C22 C33 C51 G01
    Date: 2022–02–15
  54. By: Chipperfield, Benjamin (Monash University)
    Abstract: We estimate the impact of a national fisheries decentralisation policy on the nutritional status of children in Lao PDR. Using a double robust estimator that combines propensity score and OLS regression, our results show that the causal impacts of this policy are heterogeneous and driven by nutritional gains among younger children living in villages that rely more heavily on natural resources, with girls benefiting more than boys. We identify higher consumption of fish as one mechanism that explains these gains. This change is not accompanied by greater allocation of time to fishing or investment in fishing assets, allaying fears that decentralisation of fisheries management may lead to over-exploitation of local resources. Our findings show that nationally implemented decentralised natural resources management policies can improve welfare.
    Keywords: Fisheries decentralisation ; Laos ; Height for age z-score JEL Classification: Q22 ; Q28
    Date: 2021
  55. By: , Adelia
    Abstract: Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia merupakan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengkoordinasian, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan terhadap pengadaan, pengembangan, pemberian balas jasa, pengintegrasian, pemeliharaan, dan pemisahan tenaga kerja dalam rangka mencapai tujuan organisasi. Sejarah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia sebelum permulaan abad ke-20 manusia dipandang sebagai barang, benda mati yang dapat diperlakukan sekehendak oleh majikan, hingga saat ini peningkatan kualitas sumber daya masih terus dilakukan, karena meskipun suatu negara tidak mempunyai keunggulan komparatif yang baik, namun mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif, maka negara tersebut bisa lebih bersaing dengan negara lain. Pendekatannya Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia yaitu dilakukan dengan pendekatan mekanis, pendekatan paternalisme, dan, pendekatan system social. Tahap pelaksanaannya yaitu recruitment (pengadaan), maintenance (pemeliharaan), dan development (pengembangan). Fungsi adanya MSDM yaitu perencanaan tenaga kerja, pengembangan tenaga kerja, penilaian prestasi kerja, pemberian kompensasi, pemeliharaan tenaga kerja, dan pemberhentian. Urgensi adanya MSDM yaitu karena MSDM berarti mengatur, mengurus SDM berdasarkan visi perusahaan agar tujuan organisasi dapat dicapai secara optimum, staffing dan personalia dalam organisasi, meningkatkan kinerja, mengembangkan budaya korporasi yang mendukung penerapan inovasi dan fleksibilitas.
    Date: 2021–11–21
  56. By: Creed, Christian (Monash University)
    Abstract: Can behavioural characteristics explain the low adoption of profitable technologies? We explore this question by quantifying the importance of present bias on cattle producers’ decision to vaccinate against foot-and-mouth disease, a simple and well-known technology that, despite its high returns, is largely overlooked. Our results show that producers who exhibit a stronger present bias are much less likely to vaccinate their cattle, an effect which is robust to a large set of control variables (including wealth and access to information), larger than the effect of any other observed covariate and insensitive to plausible assumptions about the importance of unobserved determinants of adoption. We discuss some of the potential implications of these results for the design of vaccine delivery and to other policies that aim to overcome self-control problems.
    Keywords: Technology Adoption ; Vaccination ; Present Bias JEL Classification: O10 ; O13 ; Q16
    Date: 2021

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