nep-ppm New Economics Papers
on Project, Program and Portfolio Management
Issue of 2010‒01‒23
four papers chosen by
Arvi Kuura
Parnu College - Tartu University

  1. Testing, not modelling, the impact of Cohesion support: a theoretical framework and some preliminary results for the Spanish regions By Angel de la Fuene
  2. Understanding options for public-private partnerships in infrastructure : sorting out the forest from the trees : BOT, DBFO, DCMF, concession, lease . . . By Delmon, Jeffrey
  3. Crushed Aid: Fragmentation in Sectoral Aid By Emmanuel Frot; Javier Santiso
  4. R&D and Innovation Empirical Analysis for Tunisian Firms By EL ELJ, Moez

  1. By: Angel de la Fuene
    Abstract: This paper develops a simple model that can be used to estimate the effectiveness of Cohesion expenditure relative to similar but unsubsidized projects, thereby making it possible to explicitly test an important assumption that is often implicit in estimates of the impact of Cohesion policies. Some preliminary results are reported for the case of infrastructure investment in the Spanish regions.
    Keywords: Cohesion policy effectiveness, Structural Fund evaluation
    JEL: R58 H54
    Date: 2010–01–12
  2. By: Delmon, Jeffrey
    Abstract: This paper provides a methodology for categorizing public-private partnerships in infrastructure, based on the following key characteristics: whether the project involves new or existing business, the nature of the private sector’s construction obligations, the need for the private sector to mobilize significant private funding ab initio, the nature of the private sector’s service delivery obligations, and the source of the project revenue stream. The purpose of this methodology is to facilitate mapping, referencing, cross-comparison, analytical studies, and descriptions of public-private partnerships in infrastructure projects with similar key characteristics across sector, commercial, regional, and geopolitical lines. The methodology is tested against 15 case studies representing different infrastructure sectors, regional applications, and commercial approaches to public-private partnerships.
    Keywords: Debt Markets,Access to Finance,Housing&Human Habitats,Private Participation in Infrastructure,Bankruptcy and Resolution of Financial Distress
    Date: 2010–01–01
  3. By: Emmanuel Frot; Javier Santiso
    Abstract: This paper measures and compares fragmentation in aid sectors. Past studies focused on aggregate country data but a sector analysis provides a better picture of fragmentation. We start by counting the number of aid projects in the developing world and find that, in 2007, more than 90 000 projects were running simultaneously. Project proliferation is on a steep upward trend and will certainly be reinforced by the emergence of new donors. Developing countries with the largest numbers of aid projects have more than 2 000 in a single year. In parallel to this boom of aid projects, there has been a major shift towards social sectors and, as a consequence, these are the most fragmented. We quantify fragmentation in each aid sector for donors and recipients and identify which exhibit the highest fragmentation. While fragmentation is usually seen as an issue when it is excessive, we also show that some countries suffer from too little fragmentation. An original contribution of this paper is to develop a monopoly index that identifies countries where a donor enjoys monopoly power. Finally, we characterise countries with high fragmentation levels. Countries that are poor, democratic and have a large population get more fragmented aid. However, this is only because poor and democratic countries attract more donors. Once we control for the number of donors in a country-sector, democratic countries do not appear different from non-democratic ones in any sector and poor countries actually have a slightly less fragmented aid allocation.<BR>Cet article mesure et compare le niveau de fragmentation de l’aide au développement dans différents secteurs d’allocation. Les précédents travaux consacrés au sujet se limitaient à l’analyse de données agrégées au niveau national. Une décomposition sectorielle permet d’appréhender plus précisément le phénomène de fragmentation. On évalue à plus de 90 000 le nombre de projets financés par l’aide en 2007. Cette prolifération est en constante augmentation, et sera certainement renforcée par l’émergence de nouveaux pays donneurs. Les pays en développement qui sont le siège du plus grand nombre de projets en accueillent plus de 2000 par an. Parallèlement à cette explosion du nombre de projets, l’allocation sectorielle de l’aide a été modifiée, avec de plus en plus de projets dans les secteurs à buts sociaux. En conséquence, ces secteurs sont les plus fragmentés. Nous quantifions cette fragmentation pour les pays donneurs et récipiendaires, et établissons une liste de ceux où elle est la plus élevée. Nous étudions aussi le revers du problème de la fragmentation de l’aide : tandis que celle-ci est généralement considérée comme problématique lorsqu’elle est trop élevée, nous montrons que certains pays souffrent de trop peu de fragmentation. Nous créons un indice afin d’identifier les pays en développement où un donneur bénéficie d’une position de monopole. La dernière partie de l’article s’attache à caractériser les pays qui ont des niveaux de fragmentation élevés. Les pays pauvres, démocratiques et avec une importante population, reçoivent une aide plus fragmentée. Mais ces résultats s’expliquent par le fait que les pays pauvres et démocratiques attirent aussi plus de donneurs. Une fois que nous prenons cet effet en compte, il apparaît que le niveau de démocratie n’influence pas la fragmentation de l’aide, et que l’aide aux pays pauvres est en fait légèrement moins fragmentée.
    Keywords: aid, fragmentation, aide, fragmentation
    JEL: F35
    Date: 2010–01–05
  4. By: EL ELJ, Moez
    Abstract: In the context of economic globalization and of the internationalization of R&D activity, innovation is becoming one of the most important assets for corporations in developed and emerging countries as well. The aim of this research is to analyze the main determinants of technological innovation of Tunisian firms on the basis of the innovation survey conducted by Tunisian Ministry of Scientific Research, Technology and Skills Development in 2005. Precisely, we analyze the effects of the external technological factors and In house R&D effort variables on innovation performances of Tunisian firms. We, then attempt to explore these relationships and see if they are affected by other moderator variables linked to exportation intensity and foreign capital share. In our estimation, we utilize the binomial logit model. Our preliminary results show that R&D activity is not the only explanatory factor of the innovation. In addition, Tunisian firms with high export ratio as well as firms with significant foreign capital participation are found to be not innovating since they depend primarily on the innovations conducted abroad.
    Keywords: Technological Innovation; Technological opportunities; R&D in Developing Countries; Logit Regression with Interactive variables
    JEL: O55 O33 O31 C25
    Date: 2009–10–24

This nep-ppm issue is ©2010 by Arvi Kuura. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.