nep-mkt New Economics Papers
on Marketing
Issue of 2006‒05‒20
five papers chosen by
Joao Carlos Correia Leitao
Universidade da Beira Interior

  1. Environmental Practices and Relational Marketing in the Spanish Automotive Sector: Success Determinants for the Reverse Logistics Programs By Ma José Álvarez Gil; Nora Lado; Pascual Berrone; F. Javier Husillos
  2. Internet Retail Demand: Taxes, Geography, and Online-Offline Competition By Glenn Ellison; Sara Fisher Ellison
  3. Management Accounting Practices and Discourses Change: The role and use of Management Accounting Systems By Vieira, Rui; Hoskin, Keith
  4. Network Cooperation and incentives within online communities By Godefroy DangNguyen (ENST-B); Thierry Pénard (CREM-CNRS)
  5. Generalized Trust and Sustainable Coexistence between Socially Responsible Firms and Non Profit Organizations By Angelo Antoci; Marcello Galeotti; Russu; Zarri

  1. By: Ma José Álvarez Gil; Nora Lado; Pascual Berrone; F. Javier Husillos
    Abstract: In this paper, we examine the determinants for the success of reverse logistics (RL) programs. Based on a supplier-customer relationship framework, we argue that trust and relational commitment – two fundamental aspects of relational marketing – are essential in defining the performance of RL programs. Furthermore, we analyze the role of resources and their impact on the achievement of successful RL systems. Applying partial least squares (PLS) analysis, we test our contention using data of 158 Spanish firms in the automotive component manufacturers industry.
    Keywords: Industrial marketing, relational marketing, trust, commitment, reverse logistics, green marketing
    JEL: M31
    Date: 2006
  2. By: Glenn Ellison; Sara Fisher Ellison
    Abstract: Data on sales of memory modules are used to explore several aspects of e-retail demand. There is a strong relationship between e-retail sales to a given state and sales tax rates that apply to purchases from online retailers. This suggests that there is substantial substitution between online and online retail, and tax avoidance may be an important contributor to e-retail activity. Geography matters in two ways: we find some evidence that consumers prefer purchasing from firms in nearby states to benefit from faster shipping times as well as evidence of a separate preference for buying from in-state firms. Consumers appear fairly rational in some ways, but boundedly rational in others.
    JEL: L8 D1 H2
    Date: 2006–05
  3. By: Vieira, Rui; Hoskin, Keith
    Abstract: This paper aims to trace the development of management accounting systems (MAS) in a Portuguese bank, where an activity based costing system (ABC) has been trialled for implementation over the past few years, as a means to improving the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of employee activity. This initiative can be located in a wider cultural change in Portuguese banking towards global (i.e. US derived) strategies and processes, but within an organizational world where older traditions remain powerful. The research undertaken here is a longitudinal case study of organisational change in one institution based on a criticalinterpretive model. Although drawing on the interpretive tradition since it is concerned with actors’ perceptions, interpretations and beliefs, it also draws on a more historically focused Foucault-inspired critical framework of the kind developed in the work of Hoskin and Macve (e.g. 1986, 1988, 1994, 2000), and in the research into the financial sector undertaken by Morgan and Sturdy (2000). The particular model developed here is designed to enable the exploration of the effect of accounting practices on change across time from three perspectives – changing structures, changing discourses and the effect of both of these processes on power relations. The research highlights the increase in visibility and perceived importance of accounting in the banking sector, and how accounting is significant beyond its technical roles. The study provides new insights into how management accounting practices, along with other organisational systems, play an important role questioning, visualising, analysing, and measuring implemented strategies. As the language and practice of management have shifted towards strategy and marketing discourses, patterns of work, organisation and career are being restructured, in often under-appreciated ways, by accounting practices.
    Date: 2006
  4. By: Godefroy DangNguyen (ENST-B); Thierry Pénard (CREM-CNRS)
    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to understand the rationale of cooperation within online sharing communities. How can we explain the extent of cooperative interactions between anonymous distant Internet users ? We build a game theoretic framework to study the exchange of services within virtual community like in a peer-to-peer network. We show that the coexistence of contributors and free-riders is often a stable situation. We also examine the optimal incentive mechanisms to stimulate contributions by community members.
    Keywords: Online communities, Internet,free riding
    Date: 2006
  5. By: Angelo Antoci (University of Sassari); Marcello Galeotti (University o Firenze); Russu (University of Sassari); Zarri (Department of Economics (University of Verona))
    Abstract: In this paper, we focus on a speci¯c component of economically rel- evant trust, i.e. on what we call `institutionally produced generalized trust', de¯ned as the amount of widespread trust (which is a public good for the economic system as a whole) endogenously and continuously gen- erated by the interaction of two types of private organizations operating in the economy: for-pro¯t ¯rms and nonpro¯t organizations. Through an evolutionary model with a trust accumulation equation and two replicator equations (capturing the evolution of economic organizations over time) we show that (1) The ¯xed point where all the four sub-types of private organizations considered in the model are simultaneously present can be attractive only if `virtuous' for-pro¯ts (i.e. socially responsible ¯rms) and `virtuous' nonpro¯ts (i.e. actually trustworthy mission-oriented organiza- tions) generate a negative externality on the other organizations of the same type. (2) The ¯xed point where the level of trust is very low and no socially responsible ¯rms neither trustworthy organizations are present can be attractive; this social con¯guration interestingly recalls, to some extent, what some prominent social scientists depict as a trend currently occurring in the United States. (3) A socio-economic scenario where four pure population ¯xed points are simultaneously attractive exists.
    Date: 2005–07

This nep-mkt issue is ©2006 by Joao Carlos Correia Leitao. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.