nep-for New Economics Papers
on Forecasting
Issue of 2024‒10‒14
two papers chosen by
Rob J Hyndman, Monash University

  1. COMEX Copper Futures Volatility Forecasting: Econometric Models and Deep Learning By Zian Wang; Xinyi Lu
  2. Advancing Financial Forecasting: A Comparative Analysis of Neural Forecasting Models N-HiTS and N-BEATS By Mohit Apte; Yashodhara Haribhakta

  1. By: Zian Wang; Xinyi Lu
    Abstract: This paper investigates the forecasting performance of COMEX copper futures realized volatility across various high-frequency intervals using both econometric volatility models and deep learning recurrent neural network models. The econometric models considered are GARCH and HAR, while the deep learning models include RNN (Recurrent Neural Network), LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), and GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit). In forecasting daily realized volatility for COMEX copper futures with a rolling window approach, the econometric models, particularly HAR, outperform recurrent neural networks overall, with HAR achieving the lowest QLIKE loss function value. However, when the data is replaced with hourly high-frequency realized volatility, the deep learning models outperform the GARCH model, and HAR attains a comparable QLIKE loss function value. Despite the black-box nature of machine learning models, the deep learning models demonstrate superior forecasting performance, surpassing the fixed QLIKE value of HAR in the experiment. Moreover, as the forecast horizon extends for daily realized volatility, deep learning models gradually close the performance gap with the GARCH model in certain loss function metrics. Nonetheless, HAR remains the most effective model overall for daily realized volatility forecasting in copper futures.
    Date: 2024–09
  2. By: Mohit Apte; Yashodhara Haribhakta
    Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of financial forecasting, the application of neural networks presents a compelling advancement over traditional statistical models. This research paper explores the effectiveness of two specific neural forecasting models, N-HiTS and N-BEATS, in predicting financial market trends. Through a systematic comparison with conventional models, this study demonstrates the superior predictive capabilities of neural approaches, particularly in handling the non-linear dynamics and complex patterns inherent in financial time series data. The results indicate that N-HiTS and N-BEATS not only enhance the accuracy of forecasts but also boost the robustness and adaptability of financial predictions, offering substantial advantages in environments that require real-time decision-making. The paper concludes with insights into the practical implications of neural forecasting in financial markets and recommendations for future research directions.
    Date: 2024–08

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.