nep-cul New Economics Papers
on Cultural Economics
Issue of 2024‒07‒08
four papers chosen by
Roberto Zanola, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale

  1. Performing Arts in the Age of Shifting Tastes. Implications for Cultural Management By Salvaggio, Salvino A.
  2. Funding Models and Management Mindset By Salvaggio, Salvino A.
  3. From the Stage to the Streets. Do Orchestras Impact Social Change? By Salvaggio, Salvino A.
  4. New PISA results on creative thinking: Can students think outside the box? By OECD

  1. By: Salvaggio, Salvino A.
    Abstract: This brief article explores the shifting landscape of classical music, driven by evolving audience tastes and preferences. It examines key drivers such as technological innovation, demographic changes, socioeconomic factors, and changing media consumption patterns that have reshaped the industry. The article highlights the impact of these shifts on management strategies, emphasising the need for audience development, financial analysis, and strategic agility. It also showcases innovative practices adopted by orchestras to enhance audience engagement, including hybrid performances, collaborative projects, educational outreach, technological integration, and community engagement. The article concludes by outlining opportunities for future research and the importance of continuous adaptation and creativity for the resilience and vitality of classical music and the performing arts.
    Date: 2024–05–25
  2. By: Salvaggio, Salvino A.
    Abstract: This brief note explores the relationship (if any) between an orchestra's funding model and the management mindset of its leadership team, which is a crucial yet understudied aspect of cultural institution operations. It highlights how government, private, and hybrid funding models tend to shape the organisation's management approach, leading to administrative, entrepreneurial, or hybrid mindsets respectively. The article emphasises the need for arts managers to understand and adapt to the specific funding models and their influence on performance management systems, decision-making processes, and broader management approaches within cultural institutions.
    Date: 2024–05–05
  3. By: Salvaggio, Salvino A.
    Abstract: Based on a review of existing literature, this brief article presents an initial exploration of the impact of orchestras on various aspects of society, extending beyond their traditional role in entertainment. It highlights the potential of orchestras to act as agents of social change by influencing civil society, fostering personal development, and addressing social issues. The article categorises the social impact of orchestras into four main areas: social and educational impact, cultural and emotional influence, institutional strategy and challenges, and policy and financial support. It also identifies opportunities for future research to deepen our understanding of the transformative role orchestras can play in contemporary society, such as in education, community development, digital engagement, cultural diversity, and health.
    Date: 2024–05–29
  4. By: OECD
    Abstract: For the first time ever, PISA measured the creative thinking skills of 15-year-old students across the world. Alongside assessments in mathematics, science and reading, students in 64 countries and economies sat an innovative test that assessed their capacity to generate diverse and original ideas, as well as to evaluate and improve upon others’ ideas in creative tasks. These ranged from written and visual expression to scientific and social problem solving. This PISA in Focus highlights some of the main findings from Volume III of PISA 2022. It focuses on the main factors linked to students’ creative thinking performance, including their proficiency in other academic subjects, their gender, socio-economic profile, views on creativity, attitudes, social-emotional characteristics and their school environment.
    Keywords: Creative thinking
    Date: 2024–06–18

This nep-cul issue is ©2024 by Roberto Zanola. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.