nep-cis New Economics Papers
on Confederation of Independent States
Issue of 2017‒05‒07
fifteen papers chosen by

  1. 러시아의 '경제현대화' 정책과 한·러 협력방안 (Russia's Economic Modernization Policy and Implication for Cooperation between Korea and Russia) By Jeh , Sung Hoon; Kang , Boogyun; Min , Jiyoung
  2. 한·유라시아 주요국 산업협력을 위한 전략적 제휴방안 연구 (A Study on the Strategic Industrial Cooperation Among Korea and the Eurasian Countries) By Han , Hongyul; Yoon, Sungwook; Byun, Hyun Sub; Park , Ji Won
  3. Moving On Up for High School Graduates in Russia: The Consequences of the Unified State Exam Reform By Slonimczyk, Fabian; Francesconi, Marco; Yurko, Anna
  4. Citrus Fruit Industry of Azerbaijan after Manat’s Devaluation By Abasov, Muzaffar
  5. Labor markets and informality: the case of Central Asia By Mirkasimov, Bakhrom; Ahunov, Muzaffar
  6. Спектральная оценка компоненты бизнес цикла ВВП России с учетом высокой зависимости от условий торговли By Polbin, Andrey; Skrobotov, Anton
  7. Multimarket Competition and Profitability: Evidence from Ukrainian banking By Pham, Tho; Talavera, Oleksandr; Yang, Junhong
  8. Where Is the Consumer Center of St. Petersburg? By Konstantin A. Kholodilin; Irina Krylova; Darya Kryutchenko
  9. The Cultural Transmission of Trust Norms: Evidence from a Lab in the Field on a Natural Experiment By Jared Rubin; Elira Karaja
  10. 국제운송회랑의 새로운 지정학: 유라시아 실크로드 구축을 위한 협력방안 연구 (A New Geopolitics of International Transport Corridor) By Won , Dong Wook; Sung , Weon-Yong; Kim , Jae-Kwan; Baek , Jun Kee
  11. Defining PPP Opportunities in the Road Sector of Ukraine By Cherevykov, Yevhen
  12. Economic Forecasting Based on the Relationship between GDP and Real Money Supply By BLINOV, Sergey
  13. Exchange Rate Bands of Inaction and Hysteresis in EU Exports to the Global Economy – The Role of Uncertainty By Ansgar Belke; Dominik Kronen
  14. 중앙아 주요국의 경제발전 전략과 경협 확대방안 (Economic Development Strategy of Major Central Asian Countries and Its Policy Implications for Korea) By Park , Joungho; Kang , Boogyun; Min , Jiyoung; Yun , ChiHyun; Gwun, Ka Woen; Khon , Yevgeniy
  15. Measures of Motivation in Financial Sector Business Leaders By Ekaterina A. Strizhova

  1. By: Jeh , Sung Hoon (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies); Kang , Boogyun (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy); Min , Jiyoung (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy)
    Abstract: Korean Abstract: 러시아는 2008년 위기 이전까지 고유가를 기반으로 급속한 경제성장을 이루었으며, 세계경제를 주도하는 G8의 일원이자 중국과 함께 신흥경제대국들을 의미하는 BRICS의 리더였다. 그러나 2008~09년 글로벌 금융위기로 인해 경제성장률이 -7.8%까지 하락하면서 심각한 고통을 겪어야만 했다. 이에 따라 러시아 경제의 구조적 문제로 지적되어오던 에너지 자원에 대한 과도한 의존에서 벗어나 새로운 성장 동력을 확보할 필요성이 제기되었다. 특히, 유가가 다시 회복되었음에도 불구하고 2010년부터 연속적으로 하락하는 경제성장률은 2000년대 초·중반 고도성장을 견인했던 성장모델의 한계를 의미하는 것이었다. 이 때문에 2009년 메드베데프 당시 대통령은 그동안 경제구조 다각화를 위해 수행해오던 산업정책의 연장선에서 경제현대화 정책을 공식화하고, 에너지 효율성, 원자력기술, 정보기술 및 통신, 우주기술, 의료·제약 분야를 5대 우선분야로 선정했다. 러시아의 경제현대화 정책의 목표는 에너지 자원 수출 기반 성장모델을 혁신사회 기반 발전 모델로 전환하는데 있다. 그리고 이를 위해 러시아 정부는경쟁적 비교우위를 가지고 있거나 발전 잠재력을 가지고 있는 우선분야를 중심으로 세계시장에서 자국 기술의 선도적 입지를 강화하는 선도형 발전 전략과 외부로부터 기술 수입을 통해 국내 기술을 발전시키는 추격형 발전 전략을 수행하고 있다. 제도적 메커니즘 차원에서 경제현대화 정책은 정책 조정 기관인 대통령 산하 경제현대화·혁신발전회의를 중심으로 혁신 프로젝트 수행·지원 역할을 하고 있는 전략 이니셔티브청, 스콜코보 재단, 과학기술 분야 소규모 혁신기업 지원 재단, 러시아벤처컴퍼니, 대외경제은행, 로스나노 등 다양한 기관들 간 협조체계 하에 추진되고 있다. 프로그램 차원에서 러시아 정부는 2011년 12월 ‘2020년까지 러시아연방 혁신발전전략’을 확정하면서 경제현대화 정책의 포괄적인 방향을 제시했고, 이어서 2014년에는 경제현대화 정책의 5대 우선분야에 관련된 국가 프로그램 ‘에너지 효율성 및 에너지 개발’, ‘원자력 산업단지 발전', ‘정보사회 2011-2020’, '우주활동 2013-2020’, ‘제약 및 의료산업 발전'을 확정했다. 현재 러시아 정부의 경제현대화 정책의 평가, 성과와 한계에 대해서는 다양한 견해가 공존하고 있으나, 전반적으로 전문가들은 경제현대화가 러시아 경제의 지속가능한 발전을 위한 합법칙적인 정책방향이며, 경제현대화 정책의 성공여부는 정부의 의지, 효율적인 메커니즘 운영, 강도 높은 구조개혁을 통한 투자환경 조성, 정책적·금융적 수단을 통한 민간 중소기업의 혁신의지 촉진 등에 달려있다는 점에 인식을 같이하고 있다. English Abstract: Russia achieved a rapid economic growth till 2008 thanks to high oil prices. The country proudly stood as a member of G8 and a leading economy of BRICS group. However, the Global financial crisis in 2008~09 ruthlessly battered the Russian economy, bringing about 7.8% reduction of GDP. The economy's excessive dependence on energy resources was pointed out as the major culprit of the harsh effect. The recovery of oil prices could not put Russian economic growth rate back on track. Rather, it steadily slowed down since 2010. Russia's economic growth model, which led to high economic growth till the mid 2000s, was reaching its limit. Thus, securing new growth engine came to the forefront of Russia's economic policy agenda. Against this backdrop, then-president Medvedev announced the economic modernization policy as part of the industrial policy aimed for structural diversification of the economy. The five industries including energy efficiency, nuclear technology, ICT, space technology, and medical and pharmaceutical technology were selected as key priority sectors. The goal of Russia's economic modernization policy is to transform the heavily-energy-dependent economy to the innovation-based economy. For this, the Russian government set up an advancing development strategy; enhancing the leading position in the technology sectors, where Russia has comparative advantage or development potential. At the same time, a catch-up development strategy - developing technologies through imports or technology-transfer - was adopted. Institutional mechanisms of the economic modernization policy consisted of a policy coordinating body and a number of implementing organizations. Specifically, the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia coordinates policies. Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Skolkovo Foundation, Russia Venture Company, Vnesheconombank, Rusnano implement and support innovation projects through cooperation among and beyond them. In December 2011 the Russian government presented comprehensive direction of the economic modernization policy with the 'Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020.' Then, in 2014 government programs on the key five industries of economic modernization policy were confirmed. Those are 'Energy efficiency and energy development', 'Development of Nuclear Power Complex', 'Information Society in 2011-2020', 'Space Activity of Russia in 2013-2020', and 'Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry.' There are a variety of views on achievements and limits of Russia's economic modernization policy. Meanwhile, experts agree in general that economic modernization is an adequate policy direction for sustainable development, and that the government's willingness, efficient operation of mechanism, improving the investment environment through intensive structural reforms, promoting innovation of SMEs through political and financial methods are critical factors for successful realization of the policy.
    Keywords: Economic Reform; Industrial Policy; Modernize The Economy; Russia
    Date: 2015–12–30
  2. By: Han , Hongyul (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy); Yoon, Sungwook (Dong-A University); Byun, Hyun Sub (Hanyang University); Park , Ji Won (K-sure (Korea Trade Insurance Corporation))
    Abstract: Korean Abstract: 한국의 대외경제정책은 지난 10여 년간 FTA 정책에 머물러옴으로써 한계를 드러내고 있다. 이제 보다 적극적인 관점에서 중소기업의 해외진출 지원을 위한 국제적 산업협력이라는 정책적 전환이 필요한 시점이라 하지 않을 수 없다. 본 연구에서 러시아 등 유라시아 지역을 대상으로 산업협력의 가능성을 검토하는 것은 한국의 전통적인 해외진출 전략의 기조에 입각한 것이다. 즉 과거에는 완성품 수출시장의 확대를 위하여 제품의 고도화와 시장의 다변화를 꾀하여왔다면, 이제는 소위 'trade in task' 의 확대라는 관점에서 공정분업의 고도화와 다변화로 그 대상이 바뀌었을 뿐이다.주로 러시아를 중심으로 살펴본 유라시아 제조업의 국제화 수준은 국제적. 평균에 크게 못 미치고 있다. 제조업의 특성상 국내 수요만으로는 규모의 경제 달성이 어렵고 장기적으로 국제분업구조를 적극 활용하여 시장을 확대해야만 경쟁력의 확보가 가능하다. 수입대체 성격이 강한 유라시아 국가들이 단기적으로 국내 생산역량의 확대를 이룩할 수 있지만, 수요의 충분한 뒷받침이 없이는 산업의 지속성을 담보하기는 어렵다. 이는 유라시아 국가들이 보다 적극적으로 자국의 생산 또는 수출에 있어서 해외 부가가치 비중을 확대해나가야 함을 의미한다. 그리고 여기에 한국의 중소 제조업 생산역량이 발휘될 기회가 있다고 할 것이다. English Abstract: This study explores possible frontiers for industrial cooperation among Korea, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. While regarded as one of major foreign policy agenda, the 'Eurasia Initiative' lacks practical programs to achieve the desired goals of the Initiative, mostly due to the external constraints imposed by geo-politics surrounding the Korean peninsular. This motivation of this study is find common interests of these countries in order to provide a list of practical programs for cooperation. It focuses on the area of industrial cooperation between Korea and the major Eurasian countries. The Eurasian countries pursue diversification and upgrading of their industrial structure, specially promoting manufacturing sectors, though they are differ in how they implement their strategies. However, these countries are believed to be far behind other countries with respect to internationalization of industries, which seems to be one of the most important factors for competitiveness and economies of scale. As far as the Korean industry is concerned, international cooperation through fragmentation or production sharing should be considered as an effective strategy to promote SME. In this study, we look into the characteristics of industry structures and industrial policies and major Eurasian countries, then identify policy agenda and specific areas of industrial cooperation with individual countries. It is well known that industry and trade structure of Eurasian countries are heavily dependent on natural rsources including oil, gas and various minerals. Eurasian countries have made efforts to change the industrial structure by promoting manufacturing sectors.
    Keywords: Economic Cooperation; Industrial Policy; Industrial Cooperation; Korea; Eurasia
    Date: 2015–12–30
  3. By: Slonimczyk, Fabian (Higher School of Economics, Moscow); Francesconi, Marco (University of Essex); Yurko, Anna (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
    Abstract: In 2009, Russia introduced a reform that changed the admissions process in all universities. Before 2009, admission decisions were based on institution-specific entry exams; the reform required universities to determine their decisions on the results of a national high-school test known as Unified State Exam (USE). One of the main goals of the reform was to make education in top colleges accessible to students from peripheral areas who typically did not enroll in university programs. Using panel data from 1994 to 2014, we evaluate the effect of the USE reform on student mobility. We find the reform led to a substantial increase in mobility rates among high school graduates from peripheral areas to start college by about 12 percentage points, a three-fold increase with respect to the pre-reform mobility rate. This was accompanied by a 40–50% increase in the likelihood of financial transfers from parents to children around the time of the move and a 70% increase in the share of educational expenditures in the last year of the child's high school. We find no effect on parental labor supply and divorce.
    Keywords: human capital, student migration, Russia, university admission
    JEL: J61 O15
    Date: 2017–03
  4. By: Abasov, Muzaffar
    Abstract: Azerbaijan implemented two significant devaluations in 2015 decreasing AZN’s rate against USD from 0.78 to 1.55. Considering the favorable situation after AZN’s devaluation, it is now cheaper to increase local production, especially agricultural products. Additionally, as a result of tensions between Russia and Turkey, there is a huge vacant market for agricultural goods in Russia which is a good opportunity for Azerbaijan to export. Citrus fruits are one of them. Considering possible options we recommend government to take policy decisions offered in paper.
    Keywords: citruc fruits, azerbaijan, manat's devaluation, azerbaijan economy
    JEL: F13 Q02
    Date: 2016
  5. By: Mirkasimov, Bakhrom; Ahunov, Muzaffar
    Abstract: Central Asian “stans”– Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan – jointly have 31.4 million people in the labor force (See table 1). The largest labor share belongs to Uzbekistan (13.6 million) and the smallest number live in Turkmenistan (2.3 million). Labor force participation rates in these economies, as a legacy of Soviet period, are high and, in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, at comparable level with advanced economies like South Korea. In Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan labor force participation rates are even higher than in other economies.
    Keywords: labor markets, informality, Central Asia
    JEL: J46 O53
    Date: 2017
  6. By: Polbin, Andrey; Skrobotov, Anton
    Abstract: The article proposes a new approach for estimation of the business cycle component of the Russian GDP. At the first step, the non-stationary component consisting of a deterministic trend with structural breaks, and components characterizing the long-run impact of oil prices on the Russian economy are eliminated from the series of GDP (in logs). At the second step, the component of the business cycle with a periodicity of fluctuations from 6 to 32 quarters is extracted from the stationary residuals using spectral analysis methods. We find that the business cycle component for the period from 2014 to 2016 was zero while other methods give negative estimates. Besides, the magnitude of cyclical fluctuations has decreased.
    Keywords: business cycle; output gap; Russian economy; GDP; oil prices; cointegrating regression; structural breaks; spectral analysis; band pass filter
    JEL: C18 C22 C51 E32 F41
    Date: 2017–04–20
  7. By: Pham, Tho; Talavera, Oleksandr; Yang, Junhong
    Abstract: This paper examines the impacts of non-price competition on bank performance in the Ukrainian banking industry from 2009 Q1 to 2015 Q4. The competition is proxied by three measures of multimarket contacts. Our data reveal that banks with higher level of multiple market contacts are more likely to be profitable. The findings support the mutual forbearance hypothesis. When banks compete with rivals that are similar in size in multiple markets, they have incentives to cooperate instead of competing aggressively. Moreover, the effect is stronger when multimarket competitors are highly similar in size and interact in more competitive markets. Furthermore, we develop an identification strategy in which military actions are treated as an exogenous shock to banks with branches in those regions. The results suggest that after the conflict, the less affected banks do not have incentives to mutual forbear with more affected banks that experienced a sharper decline in number of branches.
    Keywords: Banking; Multimarket competition; Multimarket contact; Mutual forbearance hypothesis; Profitability; Identification strategy; Exogenous shock; Political conflict
    JEL: G21 L11 L25 L40
    Date: 2016–07–05
  8. By: Konstantin A. Kholodilin; Irina Krylova; Darya Kryutchenko
    Abstract: In an urban economy, the distribution of people and real estate prices depends on the location of the central business district of a city. As distance from the city center increases, both prices and population density diminish, for travel costs increase in terms of time and money. As manufacturing gradually leaves the cities, the importance of consumer amenities as attractors of population to the urban areas increases. The role of a business center is being replaced by the consumer center. In this paper, we identify the location of the consumer center of St. Petersburg - the second largest city in Russia and its former capital. For this purpose using the data from open sources in the Internet regarding the location of many different types of urban amenities, the indices of their spatial density are computed. Using the weights based on coefficients of spatial variation and survey-based weights, the individual indices are aggregated to two general centrality indices. Their unique maxima correspond to the city center of St. Petersburg, which is located on Nevsky prospekt, between Fontanka river and Liteinyi prospekt.
    Keywords: St. Petersburg, urban amenities, consumer city center, kernel density estimation
    JEL: R14 R15 C43
    Date: 2017
  9. By: Jared Rubin (Chapman University); Elira Karaja (World Bank and Harriman Institute at Columbia University)
    Abstract: We conduct trust games in three villages in a northeastern Romanian commune. From 1775-1919, these villages were arbitrarily assigned to opposite sides of the Habsburg and Ottoman/Russian border despite being located seven kilometers apart. Russian and Ottoman Öscal institutions were more rapacious than Habsburg institutions, which may have eroded trust of outsiders (relative to co-villagers). Our design permits us to rigorously test this conjecture, and more generally, whether historically institutionalized cultural norms are transmitted intergenerationally. We Önd that participants on the Ottoman/Russian side are indeed less likely to trust outsiders but more likely to trust co-villagers.
    Keywords: trust, trust game, culture, cultural transmission, natural experiment, Öeld experiment, laboratory experiment, norms, Romania, Austria, Ottoman Empire, Habsburg Empire
    JEL: C91 C93 N33 O17 Z1
    Date: 2017
  10. By: Won , Dong Wook (Dong-A University); Sung , Weon-Yong (Incheon National University); Kim , Jae-Kwan (Chonnam National University); Baek , Jun Kee (Hanshin University)
    Abstract: Korean Abstract: 최근 몇 년간 유럽과 아시아를 하나의 경제권으로 통합하고자 하는 강대국간 경쟁과 각축이 치열하게 전개되어 왔다. 특히 각자의 유라시아 실크로드 구상을 통해 지정학적 우위를 점하기 위한 노력과 함께 그들간 이해관계에 따른 합종연횡이 이루어지고 있는 등 유라시아 지각이 요동치고 있다. 유라시아의 주도권을 둘러싼 강대국간 경쟁과 각축은 주로 대륙을 관통하는 국제운송회랑을 매개로 진행되고 있다. 국제운송회랑은 단지 화물과 여객을 수송하는 교통로의 그물망 구조가 아니라 공간을 지배하고 세력권을 확대하려는 '국제정치경제의 횡단선'으로, 현재 유라시아 공간은 국제운송회랑을 둘러싼 강대국의 각축장이 된 지 오래이다. 특히 운송로의 국제적 연계에 따라 발생할 수 있는 지정학적·지경학적 위상 변화에 기초한 각국의 독자적 대응과 접근이 이루어진다는 점에서 유라시아 실크로드는 국가간 경쟁과 협력이 교차할 수밖에 없는 복잡한 지정학적 '게임의 공간'임에 주목할 필요가 있다. 특히 유라시아 실크로드를 둘러싸고 전개되는 있는 중, 러, 미 강대국간 각축과 경쟁구도는 태평양과 유라시아 대륙이 교차하는 반도에 위치하여 해양세력과 대륙세력 간 판도와 그 변화에 민감한 우리에게 매우 중요한 의미를 던져주고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 최근 유라시아 실크로드 구축을 둘러싸고 진행되는 지정학적·지경학적 변화에 착목하여 새로운 협력공간의 기회를 적극 창출하고, 동시에 이를 통해 한반도 평화통일에 이바지할 수 있는 방안을 모색하는 데 있다. 특히 초지역 강대국(trans-regional great power)에서 글로벌 강대국(global super power)으로 성장하고 있는 중국의 '일대일로'로 촉발되고 있는 유라시아의 복잡한 강대국간 '신거대게임(a New Great Game)'에 주목하여 유라시아 실크로드 공동구축을 위한 해법을 마련하고자 한다. 최근 중국, 러시아, 미국 등의 유라시아 전략이 이미 구상단계를 넘어 국제운송회랑을 중심으로 하는 복합적 프로젝트로서 가동되고 있는 상황에도 불구하고, '유라시아 이니셔티브’는 여전히 구상 단계에 머물러 있다. 물론 2014년 말에 '유라시아 이니셔티브' 로드맵이 만들어지기는 했지만, 구체적 실행방안이 결여된 상태에서 아직까지 나진-하산 프로젝트를 제외하고는 제대로 된 사업진척이 이루어지고 있지 않다.(후략) English Abstract: Recently there has been developed intense competition between great powers, which are willing to integrate Europe and Asia into a single economic block. The world powers are entering into the era of division and congregation depending on their interests with intense efforts made to dominate geopolitical superiority. This looks like the Eurasian plate is fluctuating. The intense struggle for the hegemony in Eurasia between great powers is mainly being carried by international transport corridors passing through the continents. International transport corridor is not just network of routes to transport cargo and passengers, but a transversal line of international political economy, in which great powers are making efforts to dominate and extend their influence. Eurasia has been the arena of competition on international transport corridors between great powers for a long time. Due to the fact that Eurasian Silk Road is the connection between transportation route, independent actions and approaches of each countries are taking places. Therefore, we need to focus on the fact that the Eurasian Silk Road is a complicated 'space of game', in which competitions and cooperation between countries are being made. Particularly, the giant stampede on Eurasia silk road between US, China, and Russia is giving Korea great significance, since Korea is the peninsula, located in the intersection of the Pacific and the Eurasian Continent and is sensitive to hegemonic changes of the ocean and the continent. The purpose of this study is to create new opportunities for the new cooperation space, and simultaneously to seek the ways of peaceful reunifications of two Koreas through it, based on the analysis of the geopolitical and geo-economical changes building Eurasia Silk Road. Focusing on the intricate ‘New Great Game’ between the global super powers in Eurasia, especially triggered by ‘One belt-One Road’ plan of China, which is transforming from trans-regional great power into global super power, we are going to seek the way of building Eurasian Silk Road together. Recently complex strategical project on Eurasia among China, Russia, and US has been activated already. However, Korea's 'Eurasia initiative' is still remaining in the stage of planning. Even though the road map of 'Eurasia Initiative' was set up in the end of 2014, it has not detailed realization plan, so any progress is not being made except the 'Rajiin-Khasan Project'.
    Keywords: Economic Cooperation; Political Economy; One Belt; One Road; RAZVITIE; Silk Road Strategy; Korea; Eurasia; Russia; China; United States
    Date: 2015–12–30
  11. By: Cherevykov, Yevhen
    Abstract: The road sector is one of strategic segments of Ukrainian economy and public roads are considerable part of Ukrainian infrastructure potential. Many governments have been using PPP concerning highways and other fixed assets. Despite the successful development of the PPP/concession on construction and operation of motorway roads, the failures still happen. The inefficient project is those being prepared for a long period and still being unimplemented. The main obstacles and prerequisites for the PPP in the road sector in Ukraine are explored in this publication
    Keywords: PPP, concession, road sector, tolls, availability payment,institutional environment
    JEL: H44 M21 R42
    Date: 2017–04–05
  12. By: BLINOV, Sergey
    Abstract: Forecasts showing how the economy will be developing are very important both for the government and for all the economic agents, including citizens. In Russia, the common practice is to forecast based on price assumptions for hydrocarbons, primarily oil. Such an approach causes serious errors. This paper proposes a different approach driven by the close linkage between the GDP and the real money supply. By way of an example, forecast scenarios for Russia’s GDP in 2017 are adduced. Options for using the proposed methodology in economic policy (including anti-crisis policy) are suggested
    Keywords: Monetary Policy; Business Cycles; Forecasting and Prediction Methods; Energy and the Macroeconomy
    JEL: C53 C54 E37 E52 Q43
    Date: 2017–04–22
  13. By: Ansgar Belke; Dominik Kronen
    Abstract: This paper estimates the role of policy and exchange rate uncertainty shocks for EU countries’ exports to the world economy. We examine the performance of the four biggest economies, namely Germany, France, Italy and the UK, under policy and exchange rate uncertainty in ex-ports to some of the most important global export destinations (United States, Japan, Brazil, Russia, and China). For this purpose, we apply a non-linear model, where suddenly strong spurts of exports occur when changes of the exchange rate go beyond a zone of inaction, which we call “play” area – analogous to mechanical play. We implement an algorithm describing path-dependent play-hysteresis into a regression framework. The hysteretic impact of real exchange rates on exports is estimated based on the period from 1995M1 to 2015M12. Looking at some of the main export destinations of our selected EU member countries, the United States, Japan and some of the BRICs (Brazil, Russia and China), we identify significant hysteretic effects for a large part of the EU member countries’ exports. We find that their export activity is characterized by “bands of inaction” with respect to changes in the real exchange. To check for robustness we estimate export equations for limited samples (a) excluding the recent financial crisis and (b) excluding the period up to the burst of the dotcom bubble and September 11th. In addition, we employ an economic policy uncertainty variable and an ex-change rate uncertainty variable as determinants of the width of the area of weak reaction of exports. Overall, we find that those specifications which take uncertainty into account display the best goodness of fit, with economic policy uncertainty dominating exchange rate uncer-tainty. In other words: the option value of waiting dominates the real exchange rate effect on the EU member countries’ exports.
    Keywords: export demand, global economy, hysteresis, policy uncertainty, BRICs, play-hysteresis, real exchange rate, switching/spline regression
    JEL: F14 C51
    Date: 2017–05
  14. By: Park , Joungho (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy); Kang , Boogyun (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy); Min , Jiyoung (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy); Yun , ChiHyun (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy); Gwun, Ka Woen (Korea Institute for International Economic Policy); Khon , Yevgeniy (Independent)
    Abstract: Korean Abstract: 이 연구는 중앙아시아 주요국 경제발전전략의 기본 방향과 핵심 특성을 분석하고 경제협력 확대방안을 제시하려는 목적으로 수행되었다. 세계경제의 불확실성이 한층 증대되는 상황 속에서 중앙아시아 주요국 정부의 최대 관심사는 에너지 및 광물자원 의존도 축소, 산업다각화와 경제현대화를 통한 미래지향적이고 지속가능한 경제성장에 있었다. 따라서 한국은 중앙아 주요국의 신경제발전정책에 부합하는 상생 경제협력 방안 마련에 나서야 할 것이다. 본고에서는 고위급 회감의 정례화, 한ㆍ중앙아 경제협력위원회 구성, 한ㆍ중앙아 산업협력 펀드 조성, 산업다각화에 필요한 전문인력 양성 지원 등을 경제 협력 확대방안으로 제안했다. English Abstract: Uncertainties in the global economic environment are increasing due to prolonged low oil prices, China’s low economic growth, the possibilities of strengthened protectionist trade policies after the U.S. presidential election, and the emergence of neo-isolationism due to Brexit. In this situation, the Central Asian governments are developing and pursuing individual economic strategies which reflect their own socio-economic characteristics and core policy goals. Kazakhstan is shifting its policy direction from maximizing exports of raw materials to qualitative economic development. The country has pursued an open foreign policy and trade liberalization to overcome its geographical limitations as a small landlocked country. The open economy originally focused on exporting energy resources and attracting foreign capital, but with some control by the government in energy resources management. However, as the structural changes in the external economic environment occurred after the global financial crisis in 2008, the government started to focus on improving the structure of the economy, which remained dependent on energy resources. The key tasks for Kazakhstan were to upgrade its competitiveness, improve the investment climate, build infrastructure, diversify its industries through technological innovation, expand the role of private sectors, improve the efficiency of national asset management and develop human resources. Accordingly, the government adopted the State Program of Industrial-Innovative Development for 2015-2019 and announced the Nurly Zhol plan for promoting infrastructure development in 2014, followed by the "100 Concrete Steps to Implement Five Institutional Reforms" in 2015. This was a strategic attempt to build a foundation for sustainable economic growth by responding to changes in the external economic sector, through securing new growth engines in the economic sector, promoting industrial diversification and implementing structural reform. Uzbekistan has been pursuing an import substitution policy while maintaining a closed economy since independence. Uzbekistan's government-led closed-economy essentially followed policy goals which prioritized the protection of its domestic market and economic stability from external volatility. Thereby, the country concentrated its efforts in developing domestic industries among the five Central Asian countries. Thanks to this, the country has been able to accomplish considerable achievements in the manufacturing sector, but still has many limitations in cultivating its export competitiveness, as its main export items are weighted towards raw materials (cotton, gold, gas, etc.) and its manufacturing sector is mostly composed of labor-intensive industries. Recently, the Uzbek government is putting the highest emphasis on enhancing competitiveness and efficiency in import substitution while promoting export-oriented industrialization. Through these efforts it aims to pursue stable economic growth based on strategic cultivation of the export industry and to drive a shift from labor-intensive industries to technology-intensive business. The government set key initiatives in reducing excessive governmental involvement in the economic sector, expanding the role of the private sector, deregulating trade activities and exchange rates, etc. In this context, the government formulated a comprehensive global financial crisis recovery plan in 2009, and such initiatives as the "Priorities for Economic Policy" and the "Short-term and Long-term Action Plan of the Uzbekistan Cabinet" were presented in 2015. At present, the government is preparing long-term programs for economic development up to 2030, which are expected to include more details on improving the nation's industrial structure, such as the development of raw materials processing and high value-added industries.
    Date: 2016–12–30
  15. By: Ekaterina A. Strizhova (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
    Abstract: This article presents the results of research conducted on a sample of a financial organization business leaders to identify the key scales of the motivational space that determine labour activity. The research used a motivational task procedure (Strizhova, Gusev, 2013), which evaluates a person’s field of motivational objects and reconstructs their motivational space. The conditions for the solution of a motivational task are realized in Motivation Map method. The diagnostic procedure places a list of motivation objects in a 2-dimensional graph space of evaluation scales. As a result of multidimensional scaling of the data obtained, empirical scales of labour activity motivational space were obtained: Personal Priority, Social Importance, Personal Potential.
    Keywords: labour motivation, motivation factors, talent pool, business leaders, talent management, motivational task, motivational map, Russia.
    JEL: Z
    Date: 2017

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.