nep-ara New Economics Papers
on MENA - Middle East and North Africa
Issue of 2025–01–13
eight papers chosen by
Paul Makdissi, Université d’Ottawa

  1. How credit constrained are family-owned SMEs in Arab countries? By Grakolet Gourene; Zuzana Brixiova Schwidrowski; Jiri Balcar; Lenka Johnson Filipova
  2. Navigating the Polycrisis: MENA at a Crucial Crossroads By Ferid Belhaj
  3. Unveiling the lead exposure attributed burden in Iran from 1990 to 2019 through the lens of the Global Burden of Disease study 2019 By Karimi, Hanie; Mahdavi, Sara; Moghaddam, Sahar Saeedi; Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen; Soleimani, Zahra; Esfahani, Zahra; Masinaei, Masoud; Fateh, Sahar Mohammadi; Golestani, Ali; Dilmaghani-Marand, Arezou; Kompani, Farzad; Rezaei, Negar; Ghasemi, Erfan; Larijani, Bagher; Farzadfar, Farshad
  4. Trend in energy intensity and carbon performance in North Africa By Grakolet Gourene; Samia Mansour Hamouda; Zuzana Brixiova Schwidrowski
  5. Work permits for refugees as social protection during polycrises: Evidence from refugees in Jordan during the COVID-19 pandemic By Wolfgang Stojetz; Piero Ronzani; Sarah Fenzl; Ghassan Baliki; Tilman Brück
  6. The Power of Language: Educational and Mental Health Impacts of Language Training for Refugee Children By Tumen, Semih; Vlassopoulos, Michael; Wahba, Jackline
  7. Likidite ve Kredi Kanali Ýliskisine Likiditenin Bol Oldugu Bir Donemden Bakis By Aslihan Atabek Demirhan; Muhammed Bahca
  8. Saudi-Arabien: Aufstrebender Akteur in mineralischen Lieferketten. Kein sicherer Pfeiler für Europas Diversifizierungsstrategie By Schulze, Meike; Schrolle, Mark

  1. By: Grakolet Gourene (Economic Commission for Africa, North Africa Office, Morocco and Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé in Côte d’Ivoire); Zuzana Brixiova Schwidrowski (Economic Commission for Africa, North Africa Office, Morocco and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia); Jiri Balcar (VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic); Lenka Johnson Filipova (VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
    Abstract: Family-owned firms account for majority of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Arab countries, but evidence on the impact of this ownership type on access to credit in the region is scarce. Yet the issue is key for understanding barriers to the emergence of dynamic private sector and growth acceleration. To reduce this knowledge gap, our paper examines links between family ownership and credit constraints faced by SMEs in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia, utilizing the World Bank Enterprise Surveys. We find that while familyowned firms have a higher need for credit than nonfamily-owned firms, they are more likely to be discouraged from applying for it. Due to this self-selection out of credit markets, they are more credit constrained than nonfamily firms, even though their credit application rejection rates are lower. Stronger firm governance, including presence of formal business strategies and improved managerial practices, can encourage family-owned SMEs to apply for credit more often and ease their access to finance.
    Keywords: Family-owned SMEs, access to bank credit, firm governance, Arab Countries
    JEL: D22 G21 G32
    Date: 2024
  2. By: Ferid Belhaj
    Abstract: The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is at a critical juncture, facing an intricate polycrisis defined by interlinked challenges including energy insecurity, water scarcity, migration, conflict, and socio-political fragmentation. These crises are not isolated; their interconnectedness amplifies their impact, creating a destabilizing feedback loop that hinders sustainable development and peacebuilding efforts. This paper explores the concept of polycrisis through the lens of Edgar Morin’s complexity theory, examining how multiple crises in MENA converge and intensify one another. Key themes include the region’s energy dilemma amid global transitions, the strategic implications of acute water scarcity, climate-induced migration, and the persistent conflicts that fragment regional governance. The analysis highlights the compounded effects of these challenges on the region’s economic stability, environmental sustainability, and geopolitical dynamics. The role of non-state actors, external powers, and regional institutions is critically assessed, emphasizing the importance of integrated, cooperative approaches in addressing the polycrisis. The paper concludes by advocating for renewed regional collaboration, particularly through frameworks such as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and by strategic adaptation to external geopolitical shifts. By acknowledging the interdependencies of MENA’s crises, this study underscores the urgency of comprehensive, multilateral responses to secure the region’s future, amid escalating global and regional pressures.
    Date: 2024–12
  3. By: Karimi, Hanie; Mahdavi, Sara; Moghaddam, Sahar Saeedi; Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen; Soleimani, Zahra; Esfahani, Zahra; Masinaei, Masoud; Fateh, Sahar Mohammadi; Golestani, Ali; Dilmaghani-Marand, Arezou; Kompani, Farzad; Rezaei, Negar; Ghasemi, Erfan; Larijani, Bagher; Farzadfar, Farshad
    Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the estimated burden attributed to lead exposure (LE), at the national and subnational levels from 1990 to 2019 in Iran. The burden attributed to LE was determined through the estimation of deaths, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), years of life lost (YLLs) and years lived with disability (YLDs) using the comparative risk assessment method of Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study presenting as age-standardized per 100, 000 person year (PY) with 95% uncertainty intervals (95% UI). Furthermore, the burden of each disease were recorded independently. Eventually, the age-standardized YLLs, DALYs, deaths and YLDs rates attributed to LE demonstrated a decrease of 50.7%, 48.9%, 38.0%, and 36.4%, respectively, from 1990 to 2019. The most important causes of LE burden are divided into two acute and chronic categories: acute, mainly causes mental disorders (DALYs rate of 36.0 in 2019), and chronic, results in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) (DALYs rate of 391.8) and chronic kidney diseases (CKDs) (DALYs rate of 26.6), with CVDs bearing the most significant burden. At the sub-national level, a decrease in burden was evident in most provinces; moreover, low and low-middle SDI provinces born the highest burden. The burden increased mainly by ageing and was higher in males than females. It was concluded that although the overall decrease in the burden; still it is high, especially in low and low-middle SDI provinces, in advanced ages and in males. Among IDID, CKDs and CVDs that are the most important causes of LE-attributed burden in Iran; CVDs bear the highest burden.
    Keywords: Environmental pollutants, Cardiovascular diseases, Death, Disability-adjusted life years, Global burden of disease, Lead
    Date: 2024
  4. By: Grakolet Gourene (Economic Commission for Africa, North Africa Office, Morocco and Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé in Côte d’Ivoire); Samia Mansour Hamouda; Zuzana Brixiova Schwidrowski (Economic Commission for Africa, North Africa Office, Morocco)
    Abstract: Decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation and climate change, increasing resource efficiency, and promoting both sustainable production and sustainable lifestyles is a challenge in North Africa, a region where even a relative decoupling of income growth and carbon (CO2) emissions has not been achieved. This chapter aims to examine recent trends in emissions and the main drivers of improvement in the region's carbon intensity (carbon emissions per unit of GDP), energy intensity (energy use per unit of GDP), and per capita emissions. It also analyzes the effect of policies such as energy taxes and energy standards on the energy efficiency of SMEs in North Africa and suggests actions and policies to encourage structural transformation and ensure better energy efficiency.
    Date: 2024
  5. By: Wolfgang Stojetz; Piero Ronzani; Sarah Fenzl; Ghassan Baliki; Tilman Brück
    Abstract: This paper studies the social protection of refugees during a pandemic. A pandemic adds to the many existing challenges refugees face, creating a dangerous polycrisis. Drawing on detailed household-level data collected by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees just before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, we analyse the economic impacts of granting work permits to Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Jordan.
    Keywords: Refugees, Social protection, Crisis, COVID-19
    Date: 2024
  6. By: Tumen, Semih (Amazon); Vlassopoulos, Michael (University of Southampton); Wahba, Jackline (University of Southampton)
    Abstract: This paper examines the causal impact of a large-scale Turkish language training program on the academic performance, school participation, and mental well-being of Syrian refugee children in T¨urkiye. Using rich administrative data and a staggered difference-in-differences design, we find that the program led to improvements in Turkish language and Math scores of refugee students, along with a significant reduction in their school absences. The language gains and associated improvements in school outcomes are more pronounced for younger refugee children with lower pre-program academic performance, which suggests that early language interventions are more effective for integration. In addition, we provide evidence that the language training program generated modest positive spillovers on native students. Finally, we identify mental health as a potential key channel through which the program enhanced educational outcomes, as alleviating language barriers improved concentration, reduced anxiety, and decreased bullying. Our findings underline the critical role of language training in improving refugee students' educational outcomes and mental well-being, and fostering social cohesion.
    Keywords: language, refugee integration, school outcomes, mental health
    JEL: I21 I31 J15 J24 Z13
    Date: 2025–01
  7. By: Aslihan Atabek Demirhan; Muhammed Bahca
    Abstract: [TR] Covid-19 salgini donemindeki kisitlamalar ve tuketici davranislarindaki degisikliklerden en cok etkilenen sektorlerin basinda gelen yiyecek hizmetleri sektorunde pandemi sonrasi donemde toparlanma ile birlikte yuksek fiyat artislari dikkat cekmektedir. Ana girdisi gida urunleri olan emek yogun yiyecek hizmetleri sektorunun fiyat dinamiklerinde asgari ucret ve gida fiyatlarindaki gelismeler buyuk onem arz etmektedir. Bu cercevede, yiyecek hizmet fiyatlarinin gida ve alkolsuz icecekler grubu fiyat artislariyla benzerlik gostermesi ve ucret artis donemlerinde ivmelenmesi beklenen bir durumdur. Ancak, son donemde yiyecek hizmet fiyatlarinda gozlenen artislarin gida, akaryakit ve ucret gibi temel maliyet kalemlerindeki artislarla da aciklanamadigi kamuoyunda siklikla tartisilmaktadir. Bu calismada, ozellikle son donem gelismelerine odaklanilarak yiyecek hizmetleri fiyatlama davranis dinamikleri incelenmektedir. Yiyecek hizmetleri altinda yer alan urunler icin gida, personel ve kira gibi temel giderlerin dahil edildigi temsili maliyet endeksleri olusturulmustur. Olusturulan maliyet endeksleri sektor fiyat egilimleri ile karsilastirilmali olarak incelenmistir. Elde edilen bulgular, ozellikle 2023 yili sonrasinda yiyecek hizmet fiyatlarinin maliyet kalemlerinin uzerinde artislar gostermeye basladigini ima etmektedir. Alt gruplar itibariyla yapilan analizler urun gruplarina gore fiyatlama davranislarinda farklilasmaya isaret etmektedir. Kebap ve doner gibi girdisinin onemli bir kismi gorece yuksek enflasyon sergileyen kirmizi et iceren urunlerde satis fiyati ile maliyet arasindaki farklilasma daha sinirli olurken, goreceli daha dusuk maliyetli tavuk eti agirlikli ve fast-food yemek hizmetlerinde fiyat-maliyet makasinin zaman icerisinde belirgin bir sekilde acildigi dikkat cekmektedir. [EN] The food and beverage service sector which is one of the most affected sectors from the restrictions and consumer behavioral changes during the Covid-19 pandemic, has been displaying noteworthy price increases with the recovery in demand for the post-pandemic period. Due to its laborintensive nature, the food and beverage services sector pricing dynamics is expected to have comovement with the food prices and the minimum wage developments. However, the recent acceleration in food and beverage service prices which cannot be explained solely by the rises in basic cost items such as food, fuel, and wages is often publicly debated. In this study, by focusing on the recent developments, we examine the pricing behavior dynamics of food and beverage services sector. Within this context, representative cost indices that cooperates main cost components such as for food, labor and rent are constructed and price/cost ratios according to different concepts are compared. The findings of the analysis indicate that, as of 2023, food and beverage services prices have begun to show increases above the cost items. Detailed analyses point to differentiation in pricing behavior according to concepts. It is noteworthy that price-cost differentiation is more limited for the products such as kebab and doner kebab in which a significant portion of the input is red meat with relatively high inflation. On the other hand, it is observed continuous widening between the price and cost margin for the products with relatively lower costs such as chicken meat products and fast-food catering services.
    Date: 2024
  8. By: Schulze, Meike; Schrolle, Mark
    Abstract: Saudi-Arabien tritt entschlossen und finanzstark in den geopolitischen Wettbewerb um mineralische Rohstoffe ein. Im Rahmen der Vision 2030 sollen die lokale Weiterverarbeitung und die industrielle Wertschöpfung gestärkt werden. Derzeit verschafft sich Saudi-Arabien mineralische Rohstoffe durch internationale Beteiligungen und Abnahmeverträge, und langfristig soll auch der heimische Bergbau ausgeweitet werden. Viele Vorhaben befinden sich noch in der Konzeptionsphase. Für die Verwirklichung seiner Pläne ist Saudi-Arabien auf internationale Partner angewiesen. Als geopolitisch "neutrales Bindeglied" zwischen den Großmächten sucht das Königreich die Annäherung an China, tritt zugleich aber in direkte Konkurrenz zur Volksrepublik. Parallel bietet sich Saudi-Arabien dem Westen als Partner für die Rohstoffdiversifizierung an. Für die EU erscheint eine Kooperation mit Saudi-Arabien als Option, um die eigene Rohstoffversorgung zu sichern - doch wichtige Grundvoraussetzungen für eine strategische Partnerschaft sind bisher nicht erfüllt.
    Keywords: Saudi-Arabien, mineralische Lieferketten, Diversifizierung, Vision 2030, Staatsfonds, PIF, Minerals Security Partnership, MSP, IGF, EITI
    Date: 2024

This nep-ara issue is ©2025 by Paul Makdissi. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.