nep-ara New Economics Papers
on MENA - Middle East and North Africa
Issue of 2024‒03‒11
eleven papers chosen by
Paul Makdissi, Université d’Ottawa

  1. Are global value chains for sale? On business-state relations in the MENA region By Aboushady, Nora; Zaki, Chahir
  2. The Impact Of Maternal Education On Early Childhood Development: The Case Of Turkey By Deniz Karaoglan; Serap Sagir; Meltem Dayioglu; Durdane Sirin Saracoglu
  3. An exploration of the factors influencing the intention to adopt participatory banking products in the Moroccan context By Insaf Jouiet; Ahlam Maaraf
  4. Ankara's economic policy dilemma: Europe's options for economic and security cooperation with Turkey By Aydin, Yasar
  5. The changes in management control systems of industrial companies in Morocco: An exploratory study By Rachid Daanoune; Abdessamad Tirhzaoui
  6. Can Food-Security Policies in Tunisia be Better Targeted? By Hedoui, M. Anime; Beghin, John
  7. Two Decades Of Industrial Policy In Morocco : What Has Been Achieved ? By A L Assimi
  8. The levels and trends of cancer incidence in the elderly population at national and sub‐national scales in Iran from 1990 to 2016 By Shokri Varniab, Zahra; Saeedi Moghaddam, Sahar; Pourabhari Langroudi, Ashkan; Azadnajafabad, Sina; Mortazavi, Seyede Salehe; Sheidaei, Ali; Gohari, Kimiya; Farzi, Yosef; Shirzad Moghaddam, Zeinab; Sohrabi, Hanye; Shati, Mohsen
  9. Oman: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Oman By International Monetary Fund
  10. L'ENTREPRENEURIAT MOTEUR DE CROISSANCE ÉCONOMIQUE (CAS DU MAROC) By Fatima Ezzahra bouselhame; Belbouli Abdellah; mostafa Ftouh
  11. Turkiye’deki İktisat Bolumlerinde Akademik Kendilesme By H. Cem Dogan; Haluk Kasnakoğlu

  1. By: Aboushady, Nora; Zaki, Chahir
    Abstract: We use new data on political connections from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys to examine the impact of connections on firms' participation in global value chains (GVCs) for six MENA countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, and Lebanon). In addition to political connections, we construct several measures of "political influence" based on available data on lobbying and grand corruption. We also explore whether political connections help firms overcome barriers to trade and investment and increase their participation in GVCs at the extensive and intensive margins. Our findings suggest that political connections do matter for firms' GVC participation. The impact is more pronounced for firms that combine political connections with informal payments to influence policymaking. Our findings on the significance of trade and investment barriers for GVC participation for different categories of firms' political influence are - however - inconclusive.
    Keywords: GVCs, political connections, bribes, MENA region
    JEL: F10 F14 P00
    Date: 2023
  2. By: Deniz Karaoglan (Gebze Technical University, Department of Economics, Kocaeli, Turkey); Serap Sagir (Middle East Technical University, Department of Economics, Ankara, Turkey); Meltem Dayioglu (Middle East Technical University, Department of Economics, Ankara, Turkey); Durdane Sirin Saracoglu (Middle East Technical University, Department of Economics, Ankara, Turkey)
    Abstract: In this paper we investigate the relationship between mother’s education level and the development of young children in Turkey using representative microdata from the 2018 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS). The data include detailed information about the developmental status of young children of 36-to-59 months old. We find that only when the mother has at least a high school level education, there is a positive impact on the child’s developmental status as summarized the Early Childhood Development (ECD) index, which is an index constructed based on the child’s four developmental domains. We also show that the household’s wealth is also positively associated with the child’s developmental status, particularly in the socio-emotional and the learning readiness domains.
    Keywords: Early Childhood Development, Mother’s education, Socioeconomic status, Turkey
    JEL: C5 I00 O15
    Date: 2023–07
  3. By: Insaf Jouiet (Faculté des sciences juridiques économiques et sociales de Oujda Université Mohammed Premier, Oujda, Maroc); Ahlam Maaraf (Faculté des sciences juridiques économiques et sociales de Oujda Université Mohammed Premier, Oujda, Maroc)
    Abstract: Attracting and engaging profitable customers for participation banks services is one of the major challenges facing the banking industry nowadays. In this context, this study aims to explore and investigate the main factors that influence customers' intention to adopt participation banks in the Moroccan context. To achieve the research objective, a conceptual model was designed based on the diffusion of innovation theory of Rogers (2003) and an exploratory qualitative study conducted based on a sample of twenty active customers of conventional banks and non-users of participation banking services. Following the proposed model, the relative advantage, the compatibility, the observability, the trialability and the social influence are assumed to have a positive and significant influence on the consumers' intention to adopt participation banking services, while the complexity and the uncertainty are assumed to influence negatively the consumers behavioural intention. It is noteworthy that previous literature is quite limited on this matter, especially in the Moroccan case where participation banks have been recently launched in this country, which enhances the studies conducted in this context. In addition, participation banks can use the results of this study to implement effective marketing strategies to increase the adoption and use of participation banking services by Moroccan consumers.
    Abstract: Attirer et engager des clients rentables pour les services des banques participatives est l'un des principaux défis auxquels l'industrie bancaire est confrontée de nos jours. Dans ce contexte, cette étude vise à explorer et à étudier les principaux facteurs qui influencent l'intention des clients d'adopter les banques participatives dans le contexte marocain. Pour atteindre l'objectif de la recherche, un modèle conceptuel a été conçu sur la base de la théorie de la diffusion de l'innovation de Rogers (2003) et une étude qualitative exploratoire a été menée sur la base d'un échantillon de vingt clients actifs de banques conventionnelles et de non-utilisateurs de services bancaires participatifs. Selon le modèle proposé, l'avantage relatif, la compatibilité, l'observabilité, la possibilité d'essai et l'influence sociale sont supposés avoir une influence positive et significative sur l'intention des consommateurs d'adopter les services bancaires participatifs, tandis que la complexité et l'incertitude sont supposées influencer négativement l'intention comportementale des consommateurs. Il convient de noter que la littérature antérieure est assez limitée sur ce sujet, en particulier dans le cas du Maroc où les banques participatives ont été récemment lancées dans ce pays, ce qui renforce les études menées dans ce contexte. En outre, les banques participatives peuvent utiliser les résultats de cette étude pour mettre en œuvre des stratégies de marketing efficaces afin d'accroître l'adoption et l'utilisation des services bancaires participatifs par les consommateurs marocains.
    Keywords: Adoption Participation bank, Participation bank, Diffusion of innovation theory, Participation bank morocco
    Date: 2023–10–02
  4. By: Aydin, Yasar
    Abstract: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoægan began his third term in May 2023 with the appointment of Mehmet ðSimðsek as finance minister and the business executive Hafize Gaye Erkan as governor of the central bank. Both are widely acknowledged and experienced proponents of orthodox economics. The effect of their appointment was to return Ankara to an orthodox economic course. However, the shift in monetary policy was not backed up by structural reforms and the recovery has been meagre. Inflation remains rampant and the currency continues to fall; unresolved economic challenges create economic and political instability and could weaken the country's security - in particular in light of Russia's ambitions to expand its influence in the region. The consequences for the EU would be enormous. Turkey needs economic and security cooperation with Europe to secure stability without legitimising the regime's autocratic course.the dilemma between geopolitics and integration policy, the European Commission is currently developing ideas about how new members can be integrated step by step.
    Keywords: Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoægan, Mehmet ðSimðsek (finance minister), Hafize Gaye Erkan (governor of the central bank), monetary policy, inflation, Russia’, s ambitions, EU, economic and security cooperation, NATO
    Date: 2024
  5. By: Rachid Daanoune (ENCGT - Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion de Tanger - UAE - Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi); Abdessamad Tirhzaoui (ENCGT - Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion de Tanger - UAE - Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi)
    Abstract: This article aims to study the determinants of changes in management control systems of industrial companies in Morocco. To address this topic, the concepts of management control systems and changes in these systems were defined. Theoretical frameworks and models were utilized, and previous empirical studies were reviewed, contributing to the development of a conceptual research model describing the determinants of these changes. This research refers to two theoretical frameworks, namely the contingent framework and the sociocognitive framework. Additionally, an exploratory study spanning five years (2017-2021) was conducted in the Moroccan context, involving 35 large companies operating in various industrial sectors and located in different cities across Morocco. For the analysis of the collected data, an approach based on exploratory factor analysis was adopted, implementing principal component analysis (PCA) using SPSS software. The results highlight the complementarity of the two theoretical approaches used in developing the model, incorporating variables such as age, size, decentralization, organizational intensity, differentiation strategy, technology, and organizational learning. These identified variables are factors influencing the observed changes in management control systems within the surveyed companies. The exploratory study will be complemented, in a subsequent research phase, by a confirmatory study on an expanded sample to test the research hypotheses. For this purpose, we plan to rely on structural equation modeling, using the PLS method and the Smart PLS software in an upcoming article. The first part of this article presents a literature review showcasing the employed theories (contingency approach and sociocognitive approaches). It highlights previous research and empirical studies that have utilized both theoretical frameworks. The second part introduces the developed conceptual research model, the adopted methodology, the selected sample, and the data collection process. The third part presents the results obtained from the exploratory study conducted with large industrial companies in Morocco, followed by an analysis of these results and the selection of an improved conceptual model.
    Abstract: Cet article a pour objectif d'étudier les déterminants des changements des systèmes de contrôle de gestion des entreprises industrielles au Maroc. Pour traiter ce sujet, les concepts de systèmes de contrôle de gestion et des changements de ces systèmes ont été définis, des théories et modèles ont été mobilisées et des études empiriques antérieures réalisées ont été recensées et qui ont servi à élaborer un modèle conceptuel de recherche décrivant les déterminants de ces changements. Cette recherche fait référence à deux cadres théoriques, à savoir le cadre contingent et le cadre sociocognitif. Aussi, une étude exploratoire sur une période de cinq ans (2017-2021) a été réalisée dans le contexte marocain et portant sur 35 grandes entreprises opérant dans diverses branches industrielles et se situant dans différentes villes du Maroc. Pour l'analyse des données collectées, nous avons adopté une approche basée sur l'analyse factorielle exploratoire, mettant en œuvre une analyse par composante principale (ACP) à l'aide du logiciel SPSS. Les résultats obtenus mettent en lumière la complémentarité des deux approches théoriques qui ont servi à l'élaboration du modèle intégrant les variables âge, taille, décentralisation, intensité organisationnelle, stratégie de différenciation, technologies et apprentissage organisationnel. Ces variables identifiées sont des facteurs impactant les changements observés dans les systèmes de contrôle de gestion au sein des entreprises enquêtées. L'étude exploratoire sera complétée, dans une prochaine recherche, par une étude confirmatoire sur un échantillon élargi afin de tester les hypothèses de recherche. Pour cela nous prévoyons de nous baser sur l'approche des équations structurelles, selon la méthode PLS et en utilisant le logiciel Smart PLS dans un article prochain. La première partie de cet article présente une revue de la littérature montrant les théories mobilisées (l'approche contingente et les approches sociocognitives). Elle met en évidence les recherches et études empiriques antérieures ayant eu recours aux deux cadres théoriques. La seconde partie présente le modèle conceptuel de recherche élaboré, la méthodologie adoptée, l'échantillon sélectionné et la collecte des données. La troisième partie présente les résultats obtenus de l'étude exploratoire réalisée auprès de grandes entreprises industrielles au Maroc, et enfin une analyse de ces résultats a été réalisée et un modèle conceptuel amélioré a été retenu.
    Keywords: Management control systems, change, determinants, contingency theory, neo-institutional theory, organizational learning, industrial companies, Systèmes de contrôle de gestion, changements, déterminants, théorie de la contingence, théorie néoinstitutionnelle, apprentissage organisationnel, entreprises industrielles
    Date: 2023–12–29
  6. By: Hedoui, M. Anime; Beghin, John
    Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics
    Date: 2023–12
  7. By: A L Assimi (Laboratoire des Sciences Economiques et Politiques Publiques (LSEPP) Faculté d’Economie et de Gestion de Kénitra)
    Abstract: Résumé Cet article s'interroge sur l'impact de la politique industrielle adoptée au Maroc ces deux dernières décennies sur la compétitivité de l'industrie marocaine, principalement les secteurs clés désignés comme une locomotive de développement de l'économie marocaine. A travers la mise en place de trois plans : Plan Emérence, le Pacte National pour l'Emergence Industrielle et le Plan d'Accélération Industrielle. Dans un contexte national, régional et international spécial. L'objectif principal consiste à faire une évaluation et une analyse de l'approche industrielle marocaine par la spécialisation dans les Métiers Mondiaux du Maroc. Moyennant un ensemble d'indicateurs de compétitivité durant la période 2005-2020. Aussi, de déterminer les facteurs qui encouragent et/ou ceux qui entravent la compétitivité de l'industrie marocaine. Cependant, les résultats obtenus, démontrent clairement que malgré les ressources mobilisées dans le cadre de la nouvelle politique industrielle. Le Maroc n'a pas encore consolidé une véritable politique industrielle capable de surmonter les contraintes structurelles à son développement. Exception faite pour les secteurs de l'Automobile et d'une façon moins importante le secteur de l'Aéronautique. Car, la compétitivité de l'industrie marocaine est compromise par des contraintes d'ordre institutionnel (climat d'affaire, limites de bonne gouvernance, compétitivité des PME…) et des contraintes d'ordre transversal (foncier industriel, la problématique du financement et d'accès au crédit, un système de formation non adapté au besoin de la compétitivité…etc). Mots-clés : Politique industrielle, compétitivité, spécialisation, Métiers Mondiaux du Maroc.
    Keywords: Industrial policy, specialization, competitiveness, World Trades of Morocco, Politique industrielle, spécialisation, compétitivité, Métiers Mondiaux du Maroc
    Date: 2023–12–07
  8. By: Shokri Varniab, Zahra; Saeedi Moghaddam, Sahar; Pourabhari Langroudi, Ashkan; Azadnajafabad, Sina; Mortazavi, Seyede Salehe; Sheidaei, Ali; Gohari, Kimiya; Farzi, Yosef; Shirzad Moghaddam, Zeinab; Sohrabi, Hanye; Shati, Mohsen
    Abstract: Cancer is most commonly associated with aging. It is necessary to gain a better understanding of cancer's trend and distribution among elderlies and provide comprehensive cancer care for this population. The aim of the current study was to show the trends in cancer incidence focusing on the population aged 60+ from 1990 to 2016 in Iran. We used the dataset of the Iran Cancer Registry to estimate cancer incidences by sex, age, province, and year. In order to account for incomplete data we used a two‐stage spatiotemporal model along with random intercept mixed effect models. We calculated annual age‐standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) for age groups 60+ and 5‐interval age groups. There was an increasing trend of 25.3% to 936.9% (95% uncertainty interval: 769.6–1141.8) in ASIR in the elderly in 2016. ASIR of all cancers were 889.7 (731.3–1083.6) in women and 988.1 (811.1–1205) in men in 2016, per 100 000 respectively, which had an increasing trend comparing 1990. Skin, breast, and stomach cancers in women and prostate, skin, and stomach cancers in men were the most common types in 2016. All the most incident cancer subtypes underwent an increasing trend in both sexes, except for the bladder, esophageal, and skin cancers which almost had a similar level in 1990 and 2016. Most provinces had an increasing trend in ASIR in all cancers combined from 1990 to 2016 except Zanjan with a decreasing trend. Regarding the persistent increasing trend of most elderly cancers' incidence, this is crucial for policymakers to establish preventive plans, determine proper resource allocation, and develop specific treatments for elderly cancer patients.
    Keywords: elderly, epidemiology, geriatrics, incidence, neoplasms
    Date: 2024
  9. By: International Monetary Fund
    Abstract: Economic activity has recovered, supported by favorable oil prices and sustained reform momentum. Inflation remains low. After years in deficit, fiscal and current account balances have turned into surpluses on the back of high energy prices and prudent fiscal management. Public sector debt has been reduced markedly as windfall savings were deployed to prepay debt. The authorities have made substantial progress in implementing Oman Vision 2040, but more remains to be done to reduce Oman’s reliance on hydrocarbons and bolster prospects for non-hydrocarbon growth.
    Date: 2024–01–29
  10. By: Fatima Ezzahra bouselhame (USMS - Université Sultan Moulay Slimane); Belbouli Abdellah (USMS - Université Sultan Moulay Slimane); mostafa Ftouh (USMS - Université Sultan Moulay Slimane)
    Abstract: Recently, the Moroccan economy is facing a diversity of barriers that have disrupted the progress of the country's economic growth and development. This destabilization can be explained by many factors, such as the health crisis linked to the spread of Covid-19. The latter has upset the economy at all its levels, including the labor market which has undergone a radical change due to health restrictions to combat the spread of the virus. This pushes the government to find effective alternatives to maintain the sustainability of the country's economic growth and revive the labor market. To do this, particular attention is given to entrepreneurship, which seems to be the best way to recover from the economic downturn and mitigate the damage caused by the pandemic. This paper aims to dissect the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth in Morocco, trying to answer several questions, namely ; how did the covid 19 pandemic influence the evolution of the level of entrepreneurship in Morocco ? What is the relationship between economic growth and the rate of business creation ? Does the intensity of entrepreneurial activity imply economic growth ?
    Abstract: Aujourd'hui, l'économie marocaine est devant une multitude d'obstacles qui ont perturbés la croissance économique du pays et son développement. Cette déstabilisation peut être expliquée par plusieurs facteurs, à titre d'exemple la crise sanitaire de covid 19. Cette dernière a bouleversé l'économie à tous ses niveaux, y compris le marché de travail qui a connu un changement radical vu les restrictions sanitaires ceci dans le but de lutter contre la propagation du virus. Ce qui a poussé le gouvernement à trouver des alternatives efficaces afin de maintenir la durabilité de la croissance économique du pays et de relancer le marché de travail. Pour ce faire, une attention particulière a été donnée à l'entrepreneuriat, qui semble être le meilleur moyen de relance économique permet ainsi d'atténuer les dégâts causés par la pandémie. Ce papier a donc pour objectif de décortiquer la relation entre l'entrepreneuriat et la croissance économique au niveau du Maroc. Pour ce faire, nous allons essayer de répondre aux questions suivantes ; comment la pandémie covid 19 a influencé l'évolution du niveau d'entrepreneuriat au Maroc ? Quelle est la relation entre la croissance économique et le taux de création des entreprises ? Est-ce qu'une intensité d'activité entrepreneuriale implique une croissance économique ?
    Keywords: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Covid 19, Morocco, Croissance économique, Entrepreneuriat, Maroc.
    Date: 2022–05
  11. By: H. Cem Dogan (Economist); Haluk KasnakoÄŸlu (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ankara, Turkey)
    Abstract: Bu çalıÅŸmada, Türkiye’de iktisat bölümlerinde, doktoralı akademisyenlerin, ne oranda aynı kurumdan akademik derecelerini ve unvanlarını aldıkları konu edilmektedir. Akademik KendileÅŸme olarak adlandırılan bu olgu, çalıÅŸmada değiÅŸik ölçütler kullanılarak 136 iktisat bölümü ve bu kurumlarda istihdam edilen1.354 doktoralı akademisyen üzerinden incelenmiÅŸtir. En genel haliyle kendileÅŸme, aynı bölümden doktora almıÅŸ elemanların, o bölümdeki toplam doktoralı öğretim elemanı sayısına bölümüdür. Türkiye ortalaması ise doktora aldığı bölümde istihdam edilen akademisyen sayısının bölümdeki toplam doktoralı akademisyen sayısına oranıdır. Türkiye’de iktisat bölümlerinde, çalıÅŸtığı bölümden doktora almıÅŸ öğretim üyesi sayısı 405’tir. Bütün bölümler düÅŸünülürse kendileÅŸme oranı %30, doktora veren bölümler düÅŸünülürse %43, en az bir doktora mezununu istihdam eden bölümler düÅŸünülürse %49 olmaktadır. Doktorası aynı kurumdan olan akademisyenlerin oranı Çukurova, Atatürk ve Afyon Kocatepe üniversitelerinde %90-%100 arasında, Selçuk, İstanbul, Marmara, Anadolu ve Erciyes üniversitelerinde %80’nin üzerindedir. ÇalıÅŸmada, geleneksel kendileÅŸme ölçütü olarak kullanılan kendinden doktoralı oranı yanı sıra, çalıÅŸılan kurumdan alınan doktora öncesi dereceleri de hesaba katan Güçlü KendileÅŸme ve ek olarak aynı kurumdan alınan akademik unvanları da hesaba katan Çok Güçlü KendileÅŸme endeksleri ve bunların varyantları da geliÅŸtirilmiÅŸtir. Çukurova, Afyon Kocatepe, Atatürk, Selçuk, Erciyes, Marmara ve İstanbul üniversitelerindeki iktisat bölümleri, kendileÅŸme sıralamalarının tamamında veya kendileÅŸme ölçütlerinin çoğunda üst sıralarda yer almaktadır. Pamukkale, İstanbul Medeniyet, Bilecik Åžeyh Edebali, Akdeniz, Bandırma Onyedi Eylül, Trakya ve Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi iktisat bölümleri ise kendileÅŸmenin görece düÅŸük olduğu bölümlerdir. ÇalıÅŸmada, geliÅŸtirilen ve hesaplanan kendileÅŸme ölçütlerinin kendi aralarındaki iliÅŸkiler ile etkiledikleri/etkilendikleri değiÅŸkenler arasındaki iliÅŸkilere de yer verilmiÅŸtir
    Keywords: Akademik KendileÅŸme, Ä°ktisat, Doktora
    JEL: I21 I23 J24 J62
    Date: 2023–06

This nep-ara issue is ©2024 by Paul Makdissi. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.