nep-ara New Economics Papers
on MENA - Middle East and North Africa
Issue of 2024‒02‒05
nine papers chosen by
Paul Makdissi, Université d’Ottawa

  1. Rethinking civil-military relations in Turkey: How has the security landscape changed under AKP rule? By Adar, Sinem; Tanrıverdi Yaşar, Nebahat
  2. Challenges for private sector job matching in rural Egypt: Results from a survey of forsa employers By Shokry, Nada; Yassa, Basma; Kurdi, Sikandra
  3. The appropriation of new technologies by middle managers: the case of ERP in Moroccan SMEs By Omar Bousstta
  4. Key findings from midline evaluation of Egypt’s forsa graduation program By Allen IV, James; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Kurdi, Sikandra; Shokry, Nada; Yassa, Basma
  5. Impact of the ongoing conflict on smallholder farmers in Sudan: Evidence from a nationwide survey By Kirui, Oliver; Siddig, Khalid; Ahmed, Mosab; Abushama, Hala; Seyoum, Taffesse
  6. Gulf Cooperation Council: Economic Prospects and Policy Challenges for the GCC Countries By International Monetary Fund
  7. Adjustment and work outcomes of self-initiated expatriates in the United Arab Emirates By Sanjay Kumar Singh; Shlomo Y. Tarba; Geoffrey Wood; Nikos Bozionelos; Manlio del Giudice; Vijay Pereira; Hengky Latan
  8. The adoption of technologies in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund in propelling its attainment of Vision 2030 goals By Alqublan, Loulwa Fadel
  9. Political and economic drivers of Sudan's armed conflict: Implications for the agri-food system [in Arabic] By Abushama, Hala; Resnick, Danielle; Siddig, Khalid; Kirui, Oliver K.

  1. By: Adar, Sinem; Tanrıverdi Yaşar, Nebahat
    Abstract: Speaking at the inauguration ceremony in June after being sworn in for the third time as the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoægan promised the nation that his policies in the coming five years would "crown the second century of the republic with the Century of Türkiye". Turkey has undergone a massive transformation in the last two decades since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) rose to power in 2002. Undoubtedly, the reconfiguration of civil-military relations has been one of the most critical markers of such change. The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) has, under AKP rule, become an executor of foreign policy in an empowered security ecosystem consisting of the Ministry of Interior (MoI), the National Intelligence Organization (MçIT), and the defence industry. These shifts in the security environment as such have been shaped by the dynamics of regime change in Turkey and post-Cold War security imperatives.
    Keywords: Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoægan, NATO, Justice and Development Party (AKP), Turkish Armed Forces (TAF), Ministry of Interior (MoI), National Intelligence Organization (MçIT), defence industry, Turkish National Police (TNP), Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Qatar
    Date: 2023
  2. By: Shokry, Nada; Yassa, Basma; Kurdi, Sikandra
    Abstract: Increasing formal employment for youth and women is a key goal of the Forsa pilot graduation intervention and Egyptian government policy in general. As detailed in Forsa evaluation reports, matching Takaful beneficiaries with jobs in the private sector is a major challenge from the perspective of households. In this policy note, we examine the challenges from the perspective of potential employers. We review literature of the market failures that may contribute to difficulties with job matching in rural Egypt and present results from a small telephone survey of Forsa employers.
    Keywords: EGYPT, ARAB COUNTRIES, MIDDLE EAST, NORTH AFRICA, AFRICA, rural areas, private sector, surveys, employment, labour, gender, women
    Date: 2023
  3. By: Omar Bousstta (ESTC - Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Casablanca, UH2MC - Université Hassan II [Casablanca])
    Abstract: This article aims to answer a central problem relating to the existing relationship between middle managers and information systems within Moroccan SMEs as well as to predict the degree of appropriation of new technologies by middle managers case of ERP inMoroccan SMEs. We related the degre of appropriation of ERP by middle managers in Moroccan SMEs and its impact on the success of the ERP adoption project. To this effect, It was admitted that the success of the ERP adoption project is influenced by the appropriation of use. To this end, a methodology based on a quantitative study that seeks to identify the factors impacting the appropriation of the ERP system was adopted. The results of this work confirmed́the overall hypothesis, namely, acceptance of use influences the actual commitment in terms of ERP use of the "appropriation of use" construct. Moreover, these results showed́ that communication, training, ease of use, social influence, facilitating conditions, are the most significant that impact the commitment of middle managers in terms of ERP use. And control over activities, habit and perceived usefulness are factors that affect acceptance of ERP use. Finally, the results confirmed́the overall hypothesis, namely, acceptance of use influences real commitment in terms of ERP use
    Abstract: Cet article vise à répondre à une problématique centrale relative à la relation existante entre les cadres intermédiaires et les systèmes d'information au sein des PME marocaines ainsi que prédire le degré d'appropriation des nouvelles technologies par les cadres intermédiaires, cas des ERP dans les PME Marocaines. Nous avons mis en relation le degré́ d'appropriation des ERP par les cadres intermédiaires dans les PME marocaines et son impact sur la réussite du projet d'adoption des ERP. À cet effet, Il a été admis que la réussite du projet d'adoption des ERP est influencée par l'appropriation d'usage.Pour ce faire, une méthodologie basée sur une étude quantitative qui cherche à identifier les facteurs impactant l'appropriation du système ERPa été adoptée. Les résultats de ce travail ont confirmé́ l'hypothèse globale, à savoir, l'acceptation d'usage influence l'engagement réel en termes d'usage des ERP du construit « l'appropriation d'usage ». De plus ces résultats ont montré́ que la communication, la formation, la facilité d'usage, l'influence sociale, les conditions facilitatrices sont les plus significatives qui impactent l'engagement des cadres intermédiaires en termes d'usage des ERP. Et la maitrise de contrôle des activités, l'habitude, l'utilité perçue sont des facteurs qui affectent l'acceptation d'usage des ERP. Enfin les résultats ont confirmé́ l'hypothèse globale, à savoir, l'acceptation d'usage influence l'engagement réel en termes d'usage des ERP
    Keywords: Mot clé : Appropriation ERP PME marocaine UTAUT cadre intermédiaire. Classification JEL : O3-33 Type de l'article : Étude empirique Appropriation ERP Moroccan SME UTAUT middle management. Classification JEL : O3-33 Type de l'article : Empirical Research, Mot clé : Appropriation, ERP, PME marocaine, UTAUT, cadre intermédiaire. Classification JEL : O3-33 Type de l'article : Étude empirique Appropriation, Moroccan SME, middle management. Classification JEL : O3-33 Type de l'article : Empirical Research
    Date: 2023–12–31
  4. By: Allen IV, James; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Kurdi, Sikandra; Shokry, Nada; Yassa, Basma
    Abstract: Forsa is a pilot economic inclusion program implemented by the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MoSS) in Egypt. The goal of the program is to graduate beneficiaries of Takaful to economic self-reliance by enabling them to engage in wage employment or small-scale productive enterprises. The Forsa program began in 2023 after significant delays. Obstacles to implementation included the Covid-19 pandemic, Egypt’s economic crisis following the Ukraine-Russia war, and administrative challenges with procurement approvals.
    Keywords: EGYPT; ARAB COUNTRIES; MIDDLE EAST; NORTH AFRICA; AFRICA; social protection; targeting; livestock; ownership; policies
    Date: 2023
  5. By: Kirui, Oliver; Siddig, Khalid; Ahmed, Mosab; Abushama, Hala; Seyoum, Taffesse
    Keywords: REPUBLIC OF THE SUDAN; EAST AFRICA; AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA; AFRICA; conflicts; smallholders; displacement; agriculture; surveys; finance; planting date; inputs; weather
    Date: 2023
  6. By: International Monetary Fund
    Abstract: The GCC region’s non-hydrocarbon growth momentum remains strong, driven by higher domestic demand, increased gross capital inflows, and reform implementation. Oil production – which depends on OPEC+ decisions – will be subdued in the near term. Inflation is contained and current account surpluses are high. Fiscal balances remain healthy, supported by fiscal reforms and high oil prices. The primary non-oil deficits are expected to decrease to 24 percent of GDP by 2028, with higher non-oil revenue reflecting sustained fiscal and structural reforms and contained expenditures. High global uncertainty is weighing on the outlook.
    Keywords: Gulf Cooperation Council; GCC Countries; OPEC
    Date: 2023–12–14
  7. By: Sanjay Kumar Singh (Maynooth University - National University of Ireland Maynooth); Shlomo Y. Tarba (University of Birmingham [Birmingham]); Geoffrey Wood (Western University); Nikos Bozionelos (EM - emlyon business school); Manlio del Giudice (PSB - Paris School of Business - HESAM - HESAM Université - Communauté d'universités et d'établissements Hautes écoles Sorbonne Arts et métiers université); Vijay Pereira (NEOMA - Neoma Business School); Hengky Latan
    Abstract: Drawing upon anxiety/uncertainty management (AUM) theory and organization support theory (OST), we developed and tested a model on how globally mobile talent – in this instance, self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) - stay and perform well in the organization. We collected data from 276 superior-subordinate dyads, which were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Our results suggest that role clarity mediates the influence of perceived organizational support and work adjustment. Furthermore, we found that work adjustment mediates the influence of role clarity on task performance and organizational citizenship behavior. We draw out the implications for advancing theory and practice in expatriate management.
    Keywords: Self-initiated expatriates, Work adjustment, Role clarity, Perceived organizational support, Task performance, Organizational citizenship behavior
    Date: 2022–09–01
  8. By: Alqublan, Loulwa Fadel (Confidential Government)
    Abstract: This research investigates the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technologies (DTs) in the Public Investment Fund's (PIF) Vision Realisation Programme (VRP) and their impact on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's progress toward achieving its Vision 2030 strategy. The study employs sentiment, empirical, and semi-empirical analyses to examine the adoption of AI and DTs in the PIF's portfolio companies before and after the inception of Vision 2030. Sentiment analysis is utilised to textually analyse the profiles of PIF's portfolio companies in both periods. Empirical analysis reveals a statistically significant difference in the adoption of AI and DT terminologies. Where empirical evidence was implausible to obtain due to data limitations, semi-empirical analysis is employed, yielding results consistent with the study's hypothesis. This paper extends its focus to the macroeconomic level, demonstrating a positive impact of AI and DTs on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s macroeconomic indicators. Notably, the study challenges existing literature by revealing that AI adoption does not negatively affect employment, providing a novel insight on the relationship between AI and the labour force. This departure from previous literature emphasises the need for further exploration of AI's implications on employment. This study’s key findings align with existing literature on sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), affirming that integrating AI and DTs enhances investment outcomes. While existing literature employs qualitative assessments, this research fills a substantial gap by offering a country-specific empirical analysis of the impact of the PIF on the country’s macroeconomy. The study provides structured analyses, contributing in-depth knowledge on various aspects of broader debates on AI and DT adoption. The inclusive conceptual framework presented in this research suggests avenues for future research and diverse applications across countries.
    Date: 2023–12–31
  9. By: Abushama, Hala; Resnick, Danielle; Siddig, Khalid; Kirui, Oliver K.
    Keywords: REPUBLIC OF THE SUDAN; EAST AFRICA; AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA; AFRICA; agrifood systems; conflicts; economics; food security; politics; rent; violence
    Date: 2023

This nep-ara issue is ©2024 by Paul Makdissi. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.