nep-ara New Economics Papers
on MENA - Middle East and North Africa
Issue of 2017‒07‒23
two papers chosen by
Paul Makdissi
Université d’Ottawa

  1. Why Don’t Highly Skilled Women Want to Return? Turkey’s Brain Drain from a Gender Perspective By Elveren, Adem Yavuz; Toksöz, Gülay
  2. Financial Development and Source of Growth; New Evidence By Sami Ben Naceur; Robert Blotevogel; Mark Fischer; Haiyan Shi

  1. By: Elveren, Adem Yavuz; Toksöz, Gülay
    Abstract: This study examines the gender dimension of the brain drain in Turkey to argue that gender inequality in sending countries can be a push factor for women. Considering how the political, social and cultural atmosphere damages gender equality in Turkey due to a shift toward a conservative, authoritarian regime over the last decade, the paper uses an online survey to analyze the gender gap in the return intentions of Turkish professionals and students living abroad. The findings clearly reveal a gender gap in return intentions regardless of other main factors such as age, study field/occupation or marital status. The study also highlights the significant correlation between the gender gap in migration decisions and gender inequality in Turkey’s labor market.
    Keywords: Brain drain, gender, skilled workers, students, migration
    JEL: F22 J16 J61
    Date: 2017–07–20
  2. By: Sami Ben Naceur; Robert Blotevogel; Mark Fischer; Haiyan Shi
    Abstract: This paper examines how financial development affects the sources of growth—productivity and investment—using a sample of 145 countries for the period 1960-2011. We employ a range of econometric approaches, focusing on the CCA and MENA countries. The analysis looks beyond financial depth to capture the access, efficiency, stability, and openness dimensions of financial development. Yet even in this broad interpretation, financial development does not appear to be a magic bullet for economic growth. We cannot confirm earlier findings of an unambiguously positive relationship between financial development, investment, and productivity. The relationship is more complex. The influence of the different dimensions of financial development on the sources of growth varies across income levels and regions.
    Date: 2017–06–28

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.