on Accounting and Auditing |
By: | Koerniawan, Koenta Adji (Telkom University at Bandung, Indonesia) |
Abstract: | The empirical fact that is currently happening is that EMKM and BUMDES entrepreneurs in the Ciganitri area do not understand what and how financial reports are presented according to standards. The implication is that they cannot give financial reports, so the financial position of the business cannot be determined accurately, as a result, the assessment of financial performance fails, and tax reporting cannot be determined precisely. Increasing competence in financial accounting through training and mentoring is an urgent solution. This activity was attended by 25 participants from various EMKM and BUMDES business units. This abdimas aims to help EMKM and BUMDES entities understand basic finance and introduce the use of the Si Apik and SIABDES accounting applications for preparing financial reports according to EMKM financial accounting standards (SAK). The methods used in Community Service include problem identification, field surveys, training, post-training assistance, and assessments, to measure the achievement of community service outcomes. The results obtained show an increase in the understanding of the Community Service participants. They are starting to be interested in applying the Si Apik accounting application or SIABDES for the purpose of presenting financial reports according to standards so that their obligations in realizing transparency and accountability can be helped to be realized. |
Date: | 2023–11–19 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:osf:osfxxx:p8fna |
By: | Eric Paget-Blanc (UEVE - Université d'Évry-Val-d'Essonne, LITEM - Laboratoire en Innovation, Technologies, Economie et Management (EA 7363) - UEVE - Université d'Évry-Val-d'Essonne - Université Paris-Saclay - IMT-BS - Institut Mines-Télécom Business School - IMT - Institut Mines-Télécom [Paris]); Phu Dao-Le Flécher (UEVE - Université d'Évry-Val-d'Essonne, LITEM - Laboratoire en Innovation, Technologies, Economie et Management (EA 7363) - UEVE - Université d'Évry-Val-d'Essonne - Université Paris-Saclay - IMT-BS - Institut Mines-Télécom Business School - IMT - Institut Mines-Télécom [Paris]) |
Abstract: | The article examines whether the new provisioning rules help to reduce the procyclicality of provisions, based on the Covid-19 crisis. The increased flexibility granted by accounting standards for credit loss provisions has been exacerbated by the measures taken by regulators to mitigate the impact of the crisis. From a sample of 94 listed European and American banks, we find that in 2020, impaired loans decreased and provisions for credit losses only slightly increased for European banks, despite the significant decrease of GDP. We conclude that IFRS 9, based on the expected credit losses and associated with regulatory easing measures in times of crisis, contributes to the reduction of the procyclicality of provisions. |
Abstract: | L'article vise à déterminer si les nouvelles règles de provision permettent de réduire le caractère procyclique des provisions, en se fondant sur la crise de la Covid-19. La discrétion accrue en matière de provision a été exacerbée par les mesures prises par les régulateurs pour limiter l'impact de la crise. A partir d'un échantillon de 94 banques européennes et américaines cotées, nous constatons qu'en 2020, les encours à risque ont diminué et les dépréciations pour risque de crédit n'ont que légèrement augmenté en Europe, malgré la diminution sensible du PIB. Nous concluons que la norme IFRS 9, fondée sur l'approche par les pertes de crédit attendues et associée à des mesures d'assouplissement réglementaires en période de crise, permet de réduire la procyclicité des provisions. |
Keywords: | IFRS 9, Provisions, Expected Credit Losses (ECL), Covid-19, Regulatory measures, Pertes de crédit attendues, Mesures réglementaires |
Date: | 2023–12 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:hal-04302172 |
By: | Yulia Altukhova-Nys (REGARDS - Recherches en Économie Gestion AgroRessources Durabilité Santé- EA 6292 - URCA - Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne - MSH-URCA - Maison des Sciences Humaines de Champagne-Ardenne - URCA - Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, URCA - Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne); Julie Chassagne (REGARDS - Recherches en Économie Gestion AgroRessources Durabilité Santé- EA 6292 - URCA - Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne - MSH-URCA - Maison des Sciences Humaines de Champagne-Ardenne - URCA - Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, URCA - Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne); Phu Dao-Le Flécher (UEVE - Université d'Évry-Val-d'Essonne, LITEM - Laboratoire en Innovation, Technologies, Economie et Management (EA 7363) - UEVE - Université d'Évry-Val-d'Essonne - Université Paris-Saclay - IMT-BS - Institut Mines-Télécom Business School - IMT - Institut Mines-Télécom [Paris]) |
Abstract: | Si nous observons une recrudescence de la réglementation dans le domaine du reporting de durabilité depuis les vingt dernières années, nombre d'études constatent des lacunes des enseignements spécialisés en matière de durabilité, notamment dans les cursus de formation initiale des professionnels de comptabilité. L'objectif de cet article est donc de proposer des pistes de réflexion sur l'intégration de la question de la durabilité dans les cursus de formation initiale des commissaires aux comptes, des experts-comptables et dans celui des métiers du chiffre en général. Après avoir réalisé un diagnostic des formations diplômantes en comptabilité-contrôleaudit au regard de la réglementation européenne en matière de reporting de durabilité et à l'aide d'une grille de lecture basée sur trois critères (durabilité forte, double matérialité et connectivité), nous proposons un schéma conceptuel permettant l'adaptation des cours de spécialité et une montée progressive en compétences des futurs professionnels de la comptabilité et de l'audit. |
Date: | 2023–12 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:hal-04301717 |
By: | James R. Hines Jr. |
Abstract: | Tax harmonization entails a uniform rate that may not suit all governments. Harmonization can advance collective governmental objectives only if the standard deviation of tax rates is less than the average downward effect of tax competition on rates. Since an efficient harmonized tax rate undoes the effect of competition, an efficient rate equals or exceeds the sum of the observed average tax rate and the standard deviation of rates. In 2020, the mean world corporate tax rate was 25.9%, and the standard deviation 4.5%, so if there is an efficient harmonized world tax rate, it must be 30.4% or higher. |
JEL: | H21 H25 H71 |
Date: | 2023–11 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:nbr:nberwo:31900 |
By: | Paul Heilporn (UNISTRA - Université de Strasbourg, ARCHIMEDE - Archéologie et histoire ancienne : Méditerranée - Europe - UNISTRA - Université de Strasbourg - Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) - Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) Mulhouse - Colmar - MCC - Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) |
Abstract: | This paper aims to offer a short presentation of some of the main points one can make about taxation in Roman Egypt: information about the main taxes such as the poll tax or land taxes, as well as about tax collection or its consequences, with taxpayers running away from their obligations (ἀναχώρησις). |
Abstract: | L'article vise à présenter brièvement différents aspects de la fiscalité en Égypte romaine, depuis les principaux impôts (comme la capitation ou les taxes foncières) jusqu'au fonctionnement de la perception et à ses conséquences, avec la fuite de contribuables (ἀναχώρησις). |
Keywords: | Roman Egypt, Taxation, Tax collection, Poll tax, Anachoresis, Land tax, Égypte romaine, Fiscalité, Perception, Capitation, Fuite des contribuables (anachôrèsis), Impôt sur la terre |
Date: | 2023–11 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:hal-04308366 |
By: | Dhammika Dharmapala |
Abstract: | The 2017 US tax legislation - widely referred to as the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) - fundamentally transformed the US system of international taxation. It ostensibly ended worldwide taxation but introduced, for instance, a new tax on “Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income” (GILTI). This paper surveys the emerging empirical literature on the impact of the TCJA’s international provisions. It documents five robust findings in this empirical literature. First, the TCJA led to a general decline in US MNCs’ foreign acquisitions. Second, the TCJA increased US MNCs’ investment in routine foreign tangible assets. Third, the reform did not lead to any change in profit shifting by US MNCs beyond the magnitude that would be expected based on the TCJA’s tax rate reduction. Fourth, The TCJA appears to have reduced the market value of US MNCs relative to domestic US firms. Fifth, the TCJA does not appear to have had any detectable impact on domestic US investment and wages (although there are some contrary results for capital expenditures). The welfare implications of these findings depend crucially on whether US MNCs’ are viewed as having engaged in too much or too little foreign activity prior to the TCJA. This depends on the choice of theoretical framework and the relevant normative benchmark, and cannot readily be resolved empirically. |
Keywords: | international taxation, multinational firms, Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA), repatriation taxes, global intangible low-taxed income tax |
JEL: | H25 F23 |
Date: | 2023 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10802 |
By: | Gromov, Vladimir (Громов, Владимир) (The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration) |
Abstract: | Topical issues of the Russian state tax policy are referred to reducing administrative burden and increasing tax collection by means of information technologies being combined with the functions of tax authorities. Measures like that are usually included in the concept of digitalization. For recent years it has become one of the main priorities for the Federal Tax Service of Russia which are now strongly focused on increasing the transparency of financial and economic activities as well simplification of tax payment rules. And a single tax account represents a notable innovation in the area of the Russian tax administration. Objective and comprehensive analysis of its mechanism opens up a new direction in the study of tax digitalization which has a number of outstanding problems. The aim of the working paper is to formulate proposals concerning the pace of implementation of the single tax account on the basis of a balanced approach that takes into account the interests of both the state and economic entities. For this purpose, we identify advantages and benefits of tax payments consolidation along with limitations and risks. According to the results of the study we conclude that drastic mass implementation of the single tax account as a mandatory procedure for paying taxes outstrips the readiness of businesses to use it and can cause difficulties due to both possible technological failures for government and partial loss of control over financial flows for businesses. From this we argue that the better practice would be extending the experiment instead of accelerating the reform. Our recommendations are also to save the usual procedure for paying taxes until broad feedback is used for timely elimination of interaction shortcomings. |
Keywords: | administrative burden, digitalization, pilot project, tax administration, single tax account |
JEL: | H11 E62 |
Date: | 2022–11–08 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:rnp:wpaper:w20220287 |
By: | Mikes, Anette; Power, Michael |
Abstract: | We use content analysis to show that the diagnosis of the financial crisis of 2007–2009 shifted significantly from a focus on the need for structural change in the banking industry to an emphasis on culture and reform at the organizational level. We consider four overlapping subsystems in which this shift in problem–solution clusters played out—political, regulatory, legal, and consulting—and show that the “structural reform agenda, ” which was initially strong and publicly prominent in the political arena, lost attention. Over time it was displaced by a neoliberal managerialist turn, which watered down or abandoned structural solutions and instead played up a new “culture and conduct reform agenda.” We explain this shift in terms of the marketization of regulation, which—following Mautner (Language and the market society, 1st ed. Routledge, 2010)’s model of interdiscursive alignment—we detect in the shifting language of financial-services reform across the four subsystems in scope. We argue that a neoliberal turn took place with a discursive closure that made the structural reform alternative gradually unsayable and, in the end, unthinkable. At the same time, the discourse turned to embrace the neoliberal agenda, built on the myth of self-regulating actors and markets, manifest in the culture problematic. This managerialist turn was able to mobilise, and be operationalised by, an industry of consultants, whereas structural change came to be seen by regulators as too risky to implement. We claim that these dynamics reveal how a form of “collective strategic ignorance, ” based on powerful institutional myths, was systematically oriented to ignore and reject structural sources of crisis. Finally, we suggest that the observed pattern of displacement—whereby initial calls for structural change become later displaced by managerial and procedural solutions—is common to other social issues, such as audit reform and corporate social responsibility. |
Keywords: | neoliberal institutional myths; marketization; culture; risk culture; financial crisis; regulation; social problems |
JEL: | E50 |
Date: | 2023–11–20 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ehl:lserod:120300 |
By: | Diego Nicolau Rodriguez; Cláudio Tavares de Alencar |
Abstract: | Este artigo investiga os reflexos da metodologia POC (Percentual de Completude de Obra) nas empresas de capital aberto brasileiras no segmento de Real Estate durante o periodo de 2008 a 2018. A metodologia POC e amplamente utilizada para a contabilizacao de receitas em empreendimentos imobiliarios, mas a sua aplicacao pode gerar impactos significativos nos resultados financeiros das empresas. Por meio de uma analise exploratoria, foram investigadas as influencias e consequencias da metodologia POC nas empresas de capital aberto brasileiras no segmento de Real Estate. Os resultados mostram que a aplicacao da metodologia POC pode levar a distorcoes na contabilizacao de receitas, especialmente em empreendimentos de longo prazo. Alem disso, a utilizacao inadequada da metodologia pode levar a impactos significativos na avaliacao de desempenho das empresas, na analise de indicadores financeiros e na tomada de decisao dos investidores. A analise se mantem atual pela o oficio Curricular da CVM que manteve os padroes de contabilidade com as exigencias de Performance e controles internos da Empresa. |
Keywords: | Accounting in Real Estate companies; Análise de resultados; Balance sheet; Balancete; Balanço; Contabilidade de empresas de Real Estate; DRE; Income Statement; PoC; Receita; Results Analysis; revenue |
JEL: | R3 |
Date: | 2023–01–01 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:lre:wpaper:lares-2023-4dqc |
By: | James Alm (Tulane University); Lilith Burgstaller (University of Freiburg, Walter Eucken Institute); Arrita Domi (Walter Eucken Institute); Amanda März (Walter Eucken Institute); Matthias Kasper (Walter Eucken Institute) |
Abstract: | This paper discusses current developments in tax compliance research, with a focus on three aspects. First, we summarize empirical evidence on the traditional deterrence or enforcement approach, suggesting that tax audits and fines for noncompliance are critical in taxpayersâ compliance decisions. However, recent research indicates that the effects of deterrence are more nuanced than initially thought, suggesting that other interventions are needed to improve tax compliance. Second, therefore, we discuss research on behavioral approaches to increase tax compliance, starting with research that analyzes the effects of "nudges", or interventions that use behavioral economics to alter the ways in which the choice architecture facing individuals is communicated to them by the tax administration. As applied to tax compliance, we conclude that nudges have had mixed effects on increasing tax compliance, suggesting that the specific design and implementation of these interventions determines their effectiveness. Third, we extend our discussion to other behavioral economics interventions that have not yet been studied widely in tax compliance research. These include "sludge", or institutional features that complicate compliance, and "boosts", or initiatives that target individualsâ competences and thereby help them to make better decisions. Our central argument is that all three of these behavioral interventions should be utilized in the design of tax policies. However, for these methods to effectively complement traditional deterrence approaches, tax administrations should evaluate them before implementing them in the field. Closer cooperation between administrators and academics should thus be facilitated and encouraged. |
Keywords: | Tax compliance, deterrence theory, behavioral economics, nudges, boosts, sludge |
JEL: | H2 H26 D91 |
Date: | 2023–12 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tul:wpaper:2308 |
By: | Koerniawan, Koenta Adji (Telkom University at Bandung, Indonesia); Afifah, Nunuy Nur; Sueb, Memed; Suprijadi, Jadi |
Abstract: | The Indonesian Government Regulation on the Government's Internal Control System (GICS / SPIP) is also applied to the Regional Public Service Bodies of Hospitals (RPSB), but ironically many cases of fraud occur in regional hospitals. Fraud Control Plan (FCP), which is the second layer of reinforcement after GICS, is needed to deter fraud. The concept of fraud deterrence, used in the International Standards on Auditing (ISA), is different from fraud prevention, but both are translated the same today. As a novelty, this study proposes a new definition of fraud deterrence and the D.E.T.E.R.E. This study uses the theory of planned behavior and aims to confirm the relationship between understanding of GICS, attitude towards behavior (ATB), subjective norm (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC), on management's intention to use FCP to deter fraud and its implications for fraud deterrence. The research sample is 151 management people who work in hospitals. The analysis method uses SEM-Lisrel. The results showed that understanding of GICS and SN had a positive effect on management's intention to use FCP to deter fraud. Management's intention to use FCP to deter fraud has a positive effect on fraud deterrence. |
Date: | 2022–09–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:osf:osfxxx:7nby6 |